Defcom's 2x600w in 4x4 GrowLab, PKxTW cooler DWC medical grow

thank you deprave... we are having a badass time, spent the day snorkeling and whatnot... going charter fishing soon, and day sailing a couple times... more snorkeling as well, and getting some real good pictures...

heres a quick pic, this is the view off our patio, which is about 20-30ft from the water... st johns is the island off in the distance. im gonna have plenty more pictures and i will link you up to the hi-def shit when i get back into town and holla at you on irc..


like a boss. res change tomorrow, everything stable so far, the person i have watching things hasnt even had to make an adjustment everything is hovering around 5.9, and 1.6, so its lookin legit.
day 12 or something close to that... back in town, changed up nute formula from my last run a bit, along with how i do things... i will lay it all out some other time, still gettin into the groove of being home and unpacking, took a few pics of my plants... gonna toss in some vacation pics, as you can see i will be engaged sometime soon. couldnt be bothered to arrange them, going to be tossing in some vacation pics here and there:

Hell yeah....been away from RIU for a while....looking good defcom......vacation??..Lucky!!! you pop the question??
Hell yeah....been away from RIU for a while....looking good defcom......vacation??..Lucky!!! you pop the question??

haha getting close, found the setting, had a CZ popped in so she could wear it in transit as we didnt trust the TSA to not steal it... purchasing a loose diamond online, and having it set in the next month or two, then sometime shortly after that i will propose. we really did have an amazing time, there was really no downside at all from this vacation, everything pretty much fell into place. after i get some time tomorrow or the next day i will update with the exact formula im feeding the plants now, ive got it all written down. started decholorinating water for a res change, plan on mixing the soup maybe tuesday or something. they are eating, ec is @2.0, ph has been holding pretty steady, and growth is booming, flowers are starting to sprout. i will hit up some pictures and shit tomorrow... overall though everything is looking good though i have an open spot in one corner =/

edited to add:
ive been spending a lot of time moving growth around right now trying to keep it level, got everything looking even for the most part, about to let em go on ahead and stretch up...
damn it is cold as fuck in my room, i had been watching the temp in there because its been sub 20f outside. it was hovering around 62F, but about 2 hours ago it dropped to 57F. im going to buy a space heater and a damper for my exhaust. stuffed a shirt in there to stop the cold blowing in. there may be something up with the heating in the building, not sure, but its only 70F in the rest of the apartment...
quick update with a few pics, and heres the formula for my nute soup:

week1 flower start 12/12:
100ml Dyna-Gro Grow
100ml Dyna-Gro Bloom
100ml Dyna-Gro Pro-tekt
250ml Liquid Karma
150ml Hygrozyme
@5.8ph, 1.6ec/1120ppm x700

week2 and week3 flower
25gal tap water @110ppm
300ml Dyna-Gro Protekt
300ml Dyna-Gro Bloom
250ml Liquid Karma
150ml Hygrozyme
@5.8ph, 1.8-2.0ec

everything is lookin good XD

sitting back waitin on gettin a space heater, since the roads were icecubes today, and i got the problem situated... heres some pics:

just built a new 21 site bubble cloner with a 12 gallon cooler... heres some pics:

thank you, i totally am diggin the cooler as well. its like zero maintenance. i have a water pump in there to warm the water up if it gets cool but really only had to kick it on for like a couple hours after i had first filled it. just took some pics, everything is pretty much not requiring adjusting right now, though yesterday i cut the soup on the flower res to 850 because i had seen some clawing going on... heres the pics:

pumpin water to get it ready for res change in a couple days... yesterday i dropped the ec down to 1.6, it climbed to 1.8 today, so i dropped it down to 1.65... gonna let it sit right around there until next res change, but i think i will keep things right around 1.6-1.7 even after the change. i was wondering if i was pushing it with 2.0, and i think thats why there is some slight clawing. found out my bubblecloner was at 6.5 today for some reason, seen some purple spotting and figured the ph was off, thought my pen was malfunctioning. anyways, put some drops of h2o2 in it, and adjusted ph to 5.8. roots are starting to poke and using a water pump in there to keep the water warm is working perfectly... began foliar feeding the clones today. i probably will keep that up for about a week or so. no pics today, gonna probably wait a few days to surprise everyone...
kk, here is a pic update, im gonna link to the album on my picturepush account if anyone wants to see the big super huge resolution ones. i have a res change coming up, here is the formula:

week 4:
250ml dyna-gro bloomo
250ml dyna-gro pro-tekt
250ml hygrozyme
250ml liquid karma
25 gallons tap water @100ppm
ph 5.8
ec 1.7

here is hi-res picture album:

if you click the picture that pops up you can view it fullsize. heres the pics:

thanks for all the kind words... as for the grow im real geeked with how everything is going this time around except the plant on the left, it was cloned from the weaker of three plants in the first run, and is lagging behind pretty bad. it is gone after this one. next grow i should be gettin a 4x8 tent and a third 600w, then 2 2'x4' t5s for the 4x4 tent. that will be the proving grounds for genetics, seed busting/moms in the 4x4, and flowering in the 4x8. my clones are looking ok for right now, i spotted root nubs yesterday or the day before and they are continuing to do ok. seeing some light deficiencies in the leaves, but im foliar feeding. not sure if maybe some of the spotting was due to high ph for a day or so =/

anyways, thanks again, and +rep for the feedback!