Deficiencies. How do I Fix This?

I am desperate at this point. I don't understand what I am doing wrong. my plants seem to be getting worse. I flushed them for 36 hours with just ph'd water. Since then they have been in 65 degree oxygenated recirculating water at 5.6-5.95 ph. the ppm is 1200. I feed GH nutes at recommended dosage plus calmag at recommended doses. Also cannazym at the recommended dose. This has been the feed for the past 4 days. Before that they were on the lucas method only. What should I do?



Active Member
Try to wait it out at least a week before changing stuff though, so you can see if any improvement is coming within that week and you find out if you really need to change it or not.
I would love to wait a week. they were getting worse not better. no change today. a question about ph. when i mixed up the nutes my RO water was 5.33ph. when i checked it earlier today it was at 7.2ph. i have used no ph up. i put in some ph down. GH nutes at full veg. cannazym 9ml/gal. calmag at 5ml/gal. why would my ph go up 2 points? ppm started at 1270, it is now at 1300.


Well-Known Member
I would love to wait a week. they were getting worse not better. no change today. a question about ph. when i mixed up the nutes my RO water was 5.33ph. when i checked it earlier today it was at 7.2ph. i have used no ph up. i put in some ph down. GH nutes at full veg. cannazym 9ml/gal. calmag at 5ml/gal. why would my ph go up 2 points? ppm started at 1270, it is now at 1300.
Your trying to do too many things brother. I think your overdoing the nutes, especially for Veg. I have 5 foot mothers that look beautiful at around 800-900ppm, GH 3-part Grow nutes and about 3ml/gal of Cal-Mag should do the trick. You could have a Ca excess, especially since GH has a good amount of Calcium. Or, the high PH could be causing an Iron deficiency. This is all speculation but I believe the best fix is to reduce your Nute strength to about 700-900ppm.

Sounds like your running RDWC right?

Robert Paulson

Active Member
you seriously need to get your ph under control or your plants are going to be dead very soon. thats what sucks about hydro, you slip up- everything dies.

ph your water to 5.7 that will give you a buffer up or down to keep it within 5.5-6 only mix 50% of the recommended use until you know what the strain and you can handle. that will be more than enough to get great growth while also giving you a safety buffer.


Well-Known Member
You had a lockout caused more than likely do to PH issues. You have a serious PK def look at the stems. Mix up a batch of one of each of your grow and bloom formulas 1/8 teaspoon per quart and start to foliar spray immediately alternating one each day. If your PH is not stable then you have other issues but lets get the foliar feeding started now. What are your PH numbers in a 12 hour period?
my ph was really stable at 5.8 until I started the feeding program on the bottle of GH. The pictures are from before there were any ph issues. but, I like your idea about foliar feeding. thanks for the help guys. i appreciate it.

just so I'm clear Spark

you're saying to mix up 2 batches of foliar feed? one with just floragro, and one with just flora bloom at 1/8 tsp/qt?

i'm also tracking my ph numbers now. i'll update with the numbers when I have a meaningful set of data.
Yes 2 bottles. The PH will tell us if something is wrong in your tank. Anything weird going on in it?
not that i know of. it's a new system though. they were looking poorly in the old dwc system they were in. I didn't fully drain the res they were in for about 3 weeks. maybe thats what locked them up. i dunno. I don't understand why they wouldn't be bouncing back yet.


Well-Known Member
When they get bad like that it will take weeks to show signs of recovery spraying will help a lot. If your nutes were not burning them before I would go back to what you were doing with those as well. The flush did more harm than good we just need to get stable and back on track.
so I'm foliar feeding now. my ph looked like this over the past 12 hours

2AM-5.74 ppm-863
4AM-5.80 ppm-866
8:30AM-5.85 ppm-868
1:15 PM-6.00 ppm-865

Robert Paulson

Active Member
so I'm foliar feeding now. my ph looked like this over the past 12 hours

2AM-5.74 ppm-863
4AM-5.80 ppm-866
8:30AM-5.85 ppm-868
1:15 PM-6.00 ppm-865
totally normal bro, my ph comes up everyday, i ussually have to add about .5-1 ounces of ph down a day. I know with my nutes its normal anyway.

So it seems like you have some kind of NFT system but there is always water sitting in the tubes? that seems like a problem to me. I would want absolutely all of the water to flow back into the reservoir, get mixed up evenly again, then feed again. having a 1/2 inch of water in your tubes at all times just seems like a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
The PH levels look normal and you can let them drift from 6.2 to 5.4 with 5.8 being optimum center . Do you use hydrozyme in your system? If not I highly recommend using it, I use it in mine and keeps things clean and fresh. I agree with Robert if at all possible you shouldn't have roots sitting in water unless its a DWC. My thought is that you just transferred over a problem and then made it worse by not feeding them. You should be fine just start back feeding them and foliar and with in 2 weeks you should have new plants.

Robert Paulson

Active Member
I just read up on hydrozyme, sounds like good stuff. Will it break the salts up in a reservoir? that's all i really seem to get in my rez besides a little slime (i called the nute company about the slime they said not to worry about it, that it is do to one of the micronutes, it seems like it just is a small layer of slime that never gets any better or worse during a cycle- its only a problem aesthetically)


Well-Known Member
No I don't think it breaks up nutes. I use the Dyna Gro series and they are so clean along with the Hydrozyme I do not even have that little bit of slime I used to get. CLEAN!!!
I guess it is sort of a NFT. I don't mean that there is water sitting in the bottom, just that there is about 1/2" of running water along the bottom of the tubes. it's moving quick, you can see it flowing. so that it is getting recirculated all the time.

I don't use hygrozyme, but I do use cannazym.