Deficiencies that won't go away.. Pics


Active Member
Hi everyone,

Before I start, let me give you the specs - I'm running a 250 Watt HPS on 6 plants which are about 3 months old (I bought them as clones from a grow shop). Got a humidifier and fan working just fine.

After reading almost everything there is to read about deficiencies, I finally decided to buy a new (and organic) fertilizer called Hesi TNT Complex. It contains Ca (Calcium), Mg (Magnesium) and Zn (Zinc), the stuff which my other fertilizer didn't have...

Almost 2 weeks later, and I've used the stuff 3 times, yet the problems won't seem to go away. Maybe I just have to wait a while? What's going on?

Now as far as I can tell, my girls encountered Magnesium, Calcium and Zinc deficiencies - here are some pics. They're a few weeks old but you get the point.

In order : All of my girls, White Russian, Super Silver Haze, Hashberry and White Widow.

Any help would be greatly appreciated -thanks,




You're at the point where gardening becomes fun. Over-all your garden looks fine. Just don't try to over think it, check the p-h, double check your ph after you fert. You may be alittle off. I also see some leaves curling down, which is usually overwatering.