Deficiency is Moving up Plant. Plant is dieing. Pics included

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member

This is my first grow and I have recently transplanted into a bigger pot and added some new soil during the transplant. I overwatered after I transpIanted and the plant has been drooping and showing signs of some sort of nute problem. I have some sort of nute deficiency or lockout and I have been unable to tell what it is. Ive done some research on it and it seems like its either phosphorus deficiency or some sort of Cal/Mag problem. Either way I dont know how to fix it. I am growing in Fox Farm Ocean Forest so I believe adding nutes would make things worse. I am also watering with Distilled water and I have added ZERO nutrients throughout the entire grow. Any help is GREATLY appreciated as I feel that if I dont get help soon shes going to die. Somebody please fucking help!


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I am a hydro guy myself and cant say much for soil grows as I dont have much experience in soil, but I do know a bit that may help you understand & recognize nutrient problems. There are micro nutrients and macro nutrients. Macro being N-P-K then there are micro nutrients which are Ca Mg and so on. When you are deficient in macros it is usually noticed first in lower leaves and will work its way up the plant as it progresses & gets worse. As for micros, they are usually evident at the top of the plant first. You can find a lot of info and some very helpful charts to aid you in identifying problems in marijuana. I hope this was of some help to you. Im sure someone with soil experience will chime in soon with more info to bring to your situation than I can. Good luck!
So, from what I can see that plant is pretty young. I had something like this happen to my few week old White Widow from Nirvana in the last week. It looks like the same symptoms, but I could be wrong.

Anyway, turns out the soil (Fox Farms Ocean Forest) I had used for this seedling was hot. In the 1000PPM realm, without me knowing. Guess it was just a hotspot in the bag. Anyhow, water your plant thoroughly the next time it dries out and catch the runoff. Test the PPM and the PH of the water. Adjust from there.

Once I flushed and ph'd my girl, I still noticed the old damage getting worse and the plant lightening up overall. That was when I started feeding, figured the flush took the nutes out of the soil. The plant recovered and is doing well.

Hope this helps! Let us know what the runoff tells you and we can help you further if high/low ppms and ph arent the issue.
Along lines of Rentaldog.. If you overwatered a nuted soil, you let out too much. The more water/pooloing, the more nute dissolved (dissolved may be the wrong term).

The pics don't look too bad to me. So much so that my advice would be to let them dry out, water slowly without pooling until you get some runoff, and stay the course.

I wouldn't waste my money on distilled. I personally use a PUR filter on my faucet and let it sit out, Not sure I need to use teh filter honestly. But tap and PH control ought to be fine and save you some duckets...
Its a phosphorus def had it before pretty much the same situation after transplant you can positively tell by the chlorophyll necrosis add either some non sulfured molasses to a watering or 2 at a teaspoon per gallon or some k rich nutes at half strength you will notice a difference over night.
Its a phosphorus def had it before pretty much the same situation after transplant you can positively tell by the chlorophyll necrosis add either some non sulfured molasses to a watering or 2 at a teaspoon per gallon or some k rich nutes at half strength you will notice a difference over night.

I have the fox farm nutrient trio (Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom) Would these help this issue at all? I havent fed at all but Im thinking that i should start relatively soon if not the next time i water. Opinions?
So, from what I can see that plant is pretty young. I had something like this happen to my few week old White Widow from Nirvana in the last week. It looks like the same symptoms, but I could be wrong.

Anyway, turns out the soil (Fox Farms Ocean Forest) I had used for this seedling was hot. In the 1000PPM realm, without me knowing. Guess it was just a hotspot in the bag. Anyhow, water your plant thoroughly the next time it dries out and catch the runoff. Test the PPM and the PH of the water. Adjust from there.

Once I flushed and ph'd my girl, I still noticed the old damage getting worse and the plant lightening up overall. That was when I started feeding, figured the flush took the nutes out of the soil. The plant recovered and is doing well.

Hope this helps! Let us know what the runoff tells you and we can help you further if high/low ppms and ph arent the issue.

When I take the readings of the runoff what range should the number be in? And when I test PH should I test the distilled water im using? Im VERY new to growing so dumb it down the best you can and do a run through of what you guys would do in the simplest form
1, imvho, don't worry about the ph of your runoff as all it tells you is the ph of your runoff, ie, a useless number, and will only have you chasing your tail..
2, add nutes to what ever water you're using, let it sit a few good minutes, check ph, adjust ph, use..
how old are your plants? fox farm ocean forest will only have enough built in nutrients to last a plant about 3 weeks or so from seed, much older and you'll have to start using the bottled stuff.. i start out light, about 1/4 what it says on the bottle or so..
1, imvho, don't worry about the ph of your runoff as all it tells you is the ph of your runoff, ie, a useless number, and will only have you chasing your tail..
2, add nutes to what ever water you're using, let it sit a few good minutes, check ph, adjust ph, use..
I said the same thing in another post. PH of run off means nothing.

The way to test the pH of soil is to take a sample of soil and mix with equal part distilled water and test.
They dont look bad at all. Though distilled water is just water, no minerals so you always have to add cal mag when using distilled water.
They dont look bad at all. Though distilled water is just water, no minerals so you always have to add cal mag when using distilled water.

Where would I be able to get Cal/mag? And on the next water should I feed big bloom at 1/4 strength? or Grow big at 1/4 strength?
how old are your plants? fox farm ocean forest will only have enough built in nutrients to last a plant about 3 weeks or so from seed, much older and you'll have to start using the bottled stuff.. i start out light, about 1/4 what it says on the bottle or so..

Would adding big blooma nd grow big at 1/4 strength take care of this problem? Or do you think I need to add cal mag on top of the 1/4 strength feeding. Also should I feed both Grow BIg and Big Bloom or just the Big Bloom?
When in veg you want to add the grow big (higher Nitrogen). You use the same nutes I use but mine are formulated for hydro. Use the grow big at 1/4 strength as advised above. You use the bloom more in the preflower/flowering stage when they are burning up the P & K. Follow the feeding schedule listed in the Foxfarm pamphlet you can get for free but at 1/4- 1/2 strength. You can use (lightly) cal mag throughout your entire grow. You can get a small bottle of cal mag from any grow store. I use 2-4 ml per gallon of cal mag when I use it. Less during veg/more during flower.
i would personally if it was my plant would use 1/4 strength tiger bloom foilare feed once water with same strength should be all good my 2cents