Deficiency? Maybe magnesium? pics

sheik yerbouti

Active Member
Hey looking to see what ya'll think this could be. I'm guessing magnesium def judging by plant problem solvers but not sure.

So ya. Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Could be nute burn with dead leaf tips. I don't see any brown spots of the rest of the leaf/leaves. Can you talk about your soil and what you're adding nute wise?

sheik yerbouti

Active Member
Could be nute burn with dead leaf tips. I don't see any brown spots of the rest of the leaf/leaves. Can you talk about your soil and what you're adding nute wise?
Soil Pro-mix HP with castings, dolomite and seaweed meal
Ph -feed 6.5. Soil ph is good, put a 1:5 ratio of soil to water @ a ph of 7 and the ph after an hour was 6.8.
Nutes - GH floranova grow, rhizotonic, GH rapid start.
- Gave them 1st feed of Flora Nova after 2 weeks with just Rhizo and Rapid start @ ppm of 450. This was too much and had to scale back to 300ppm (first time with Floranova). Since then all the new growth has shown no signs of overfertalizing. One plant showed some salt lockout that was cured with a flush which was surprising after only a couple of feeds with nutrients. I am pretty sure I added to much seaweed meal, first time using it and the plants showed signs of high nitrogen and leaf claw before I had fed any nutrients, so this could potentially be linked to the seaweed meal. But I should add that I have some younger plants in coco that had no seaweed meal that are showing the start of the same symptoms. i don't have a RO filter but I do have an airstone in my reservoir.

So I'm unsure and curious to get to the bottom of this. I'm going to add some Cal/mag to the next feeding and see what happens.

Any input is appreciated!

Bump. Besides the tip of that one leaf the rest don't look too fried and crispy. Usually nute burn is more uniform, no? But is Mag, or Zinc maybe...?


Active Member
you have some time release nutes in the soil. Try soakign some of those nutes in your feed water for 5-15 minutes as a test and take the ph of the runoff.

I hate time release nutes.

sheik yerbouti

Active Member
you have some time release nutes in the soil. Try soakign some of those nutes in your feed water for 5-15 minutes as a test and take the ph of the runoff.

I hate time release nutes.
Good idea I'll try that

how dry is your soil getting? might be overwatering
Def not overwatering. I lean more toward underwatering which I've recently corrected as I was letting the soil dry out too much before. Also aside from the plants having a major malfuntion and not growing the leaves are rigid.

Bump. Besides the tip of that one leaf the rest don't look too fried and crispy. Usually nute burn is more uniform, no? But is Mag, or Zinc maybe...?
Ya I'm lost as well. I've assumed nute burn that progressed and aged on the older leaves cause that and done things to remedy but I recently flushed a few more and they are now worse looking then the rest.

The plants are really hurting right now. The problem I've shown here hasn't progressed but now the plants are all light green, crispy feeling and not really growing well at all, the worst thing is that I flushed 2 plants and they are looking worse than the rest. I'm wondering if its a water thing now, might try filtered water next to see if that helps.

How majority of plants look. Notice original problem on bottom leaves. Also notice the uniform pale green color meaning no new growth! uhg, wtf. I doubt nitrogen deficiency due to the early dark leaves and clawing without even feeding due to seaweed meal. Also I'm pretty sure lack of N starts with the bottom leaves becoming necrotic

This is the plant I flushed 2 days ago. Both plants I flushed look like this. I'm lost.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
My best guess is too high salts. You must gear your ppm for the NEEDS of the plants. 450 is too high, they just don't need it now.

BTW, I wish you guys would get off the labels and start talking NPK values. I have no clue what the plants are actually getting. They look N deficient to me and if I had to guess your snake oils are low in N. Again, cannabis specific products working against you, not for you. See it all the time.

Mg deficiency shows up as lower leaf chlorosis, a very pale yellow versus yellow on the upper leaves in the case of Fe deficiency.

I'm going to add some Cal/mag to the next feeding and see what happens.
I can tell you what's gonna keep throwing stuff at them hoping it sticks and your plants will never recover from a stunted, unhealthy condition. Don't give your plants something UNTIL you can verify with certainty that they need it.

Less is more,

sheik yerbouti

Active Member
They look N deficient to me as well but does N deficiency not start with the lower leaves becoming necrotic first not the whole plant becoming pale green?

Also unless the plants I flushed were too stressed to handle it would the flush not help if it was salt buildup from too much nutrients?

Thanks forward the reply UB, my first go with Floranova, Got onto it because of a very successful grower I know so I know it's half decent, just have to learn to use it properly. Think I'll keep feeding water until I see some results.