Deficiency ? Mid of flower

What did you top dress with? How quick/slow does it break down?..... NM I see it's guano. If you're only three weeks in, that's not fade colors. Looks like the plant has been working pretty hard to be that developed in three weeks, which is good. It's trying to produce for you. I would up everthing but N, it wants more food than it's getting.

Bzzt...N def first here my friend....Classic expression, mixed with some high P&K showing..
Dropping the P and K levels and upping the N will cure the whole thing up...

His pH is is just fine too! No need for any Cal here. Cal is over used a lot....Finding the right balance in the soil is the real trick...
So many fpolks start out with Dolo lime. Thing is, Dolo is high Mg and can cause high Mg issues.
One to always remember, is that high Mg limits THC production.....Same for K too! 30% K, is delivering too much!

Just saying man, not diss'in ya!
Bzzt...N def first here my friend....Classic expression, mixed with some high P&K showing..
Dropping the P and K levels and upping the N will cure the whole thing up...

His pH is is just fine too! No need for any Cal here. Cal is over used a lot....Finding the right balance in the soil is the real trick...
So many fpolks start out with Dolo lime. Thing is, Dolo is high Mg and can cause high Mg issues.
One to always remember, is that high Mg limits THC production.....Same for K too! 30% K, is delivering too much!

Just saying man, not diss'in ya!

No not at all man, lol. I think because I wasn't seeing yellowing on the lowers is what misled me. I looked at those pics for a while and still wasn't 100%, as you can tell from my round about reply, lol. I've learned quite a bit from you over the years, I'm not gonna argue with ya man! :P
Bzzt...N def first here my friend....Classic expression, mixed with some high P&K showing..
Dropping the P and K levels and upping the N will cure the whole thing up...

His pH is is just fine too! No need for any Cal here. Cal is over used a lot....Finding the right balance in the soil is the real trick...
So many fpolks start out with Dolo lime. Thing is, Dolo is high Mg and can cause high Mg issues.
One to always remember, is that high Mg limits THC production.....Same for K too! 30% K, is delivering too much!

Just saying man, not diss'in ya!
Hey while I have you here.... Not trying to thread jack bud it's a fairly inactive thread.... Cream terps... Like cookies n cream, cream terps. It's one of my favorite flavors, but it seems like it's one of the most volatile terps I've come across. It will leave your cured bud in a matter of days when transferred to a container that's not 100% airtight. It will escape from extracts as well. So my question is... Do you know of any methods that will enhance the cream terps?
First off. Sorry about taking so long. Been a little bummed over my friend's death.....Just gotta deal with it...

N def and high P&K........That's your text book problems..

I see no real Cal/Mg issues at all......

Your only using poop with high P and and one with way to high a K! The soil has run too low on available N and the poops don't give you enough.

You should be looking at delivering N in the 3% range and adjusting to plant needs from there. P should be around 5% and K 6%.
So in bloom you would be looking at an NPK delivery of 3-5-6. This is a base starting value..

Top dressing is nice but takes the time of "cooking" to become available.
Top dressing is, like any other feeding method,, a learned "art"..

At this point you might use a little self made bio tea with an N kicker that you brewed into it. (Down to Earth organic products has several NPK value Alfalfa meals. One is a 2.5-1-1....You might consider that version to use in your tea....Or you could use any high N organic compound and just math out the amount needed to get you at an N value of "3" (= 3%)
A ready made organic N liquid feed would be my next choice..

The Aurora family of nutrient lines has a ready made/packaged organic dry soil fert mix that is pretty well balanced.... You might try that in the future...Follow package directions and always remember that "Less is more!"

Good luck
Thanks for stopping by Dr. Who.
I try to avoid using the @ to bring someone into a thread.
I learned a lot from you and wanted to see if I was on the right track with this one.

I was saddened by the loss of iam4satori.
He was always helpful and I had some nice chats with him in the past.
Hey while I have you here.... Not trying to thread jack bud it's a fairly inactive thread.... Cream terps... Like cookies n cream, cream terps. It's one of my favorite flavors, but it seems like it's one of the most volatile terps I've come across. It will leave your cured bud in a matter of days when transferred to a container that's not 100% airtight. It will escape from extracts as well. So my question is... Do you know of any methods that will enhance the cream terps?

Hmm, I would imagine that what you speak of, is a mixture of some terps that produce that scent. As with any, they can be volatile. Some /some parts of some, more so then others.

No I don't have the how to enhance on that .... Working to figure more about enhancing differing terps at this time.....I find something out...I'll let you know.

LOL..I have a pheno of Sundae Driver. Insane cut. It at harvest smells like a sewer, or a cesspool. This lasts for a few weeks as you dry it and it disappears in cure....
I really wish it held that "stink"!
Tastes real sweet, almost a rock candy taste...

Blast off high too!
Thanks for stopping by Dr. Who.
I try to avoid using the @ to bring someone into a thread.
I learned a lot from you and wanted to see if I was on the right track with this one.

I was saddened by the loss of iam4satori.
He was always helpful and I had some nice chats with him in the past.

We spoke daily. Chat, actual phone call. Sometimes it could go on for hrs. Drove the wife nuts at times (me with phone in hands).
We had a few things going and another few in the planning stages...
I miss him sooo much now..
Even the wife is sad about the whole thing..

You never know what you had, till it's gone!
Hmm, I would imagine that what you speak of, is a mixture of some terps that produce that scent. As with any, they can be volatile. Some /some parts of some, more so then others.

No I don't have the how to enhance on that .... Working to figure more about enhancing differing terps at this time.....I find something out...I'll let you know.

LOL..I have a pheno of Sundae Driver. Insane cut. It at harvest smells like a sewer, or a cesspool. This lasts for a few weeks as you dry it and it disappears in cure....
I really wish it held that "stink"!
Tastes real sweet, almost a rock candy taste...

Blast off high too!
It was worth a shot anyway, lol. I have a mendo breath f3 cut that has some rank ass terps to it if your into that. Think baby shit, not really in a bad way though, a fruity sweet that I can't pinpoint, and dank. Just chopped it for the first time a few weeks ago. The smell disappeared during the dry, but it's coming back with the cure, got some funk for sure.
We spoke daily. Chat, actual phone call. Sometimes it could go on for hrs. Drove the wife nuts at times (me with phone in hands).
We had a few things going and another few in the planning stages...
I miss him sooo much now..
Even the wife is sad about the whole thing..

You never know what you had, till it's gone!
And that's a shame about satori, I used to chat with him a bit. Hadn't seen him around in quite a while until you mentioned his passing. My condolences to you and anyone that was in his life.
We spoke daily. Chat, actual phone call. Sometimes it could go on for hrs. Drove the wife nuts at times (me with phone in hands).
We had a few things going and another few in the planning stages...
I miss him sooo much now..
Even the wife is sad about the whole thing..

You never know what you had, till it's gone!

My conversations were with iam4satori in 2017.
Then he wasn't around for a while and started popping in again from time to time.

I remember something he said to me a couple of years ago that made my day at the time and it was something I would occasionally look back to in a good way.

I would do experiments with watering soil and I was recording the weight of my pots each day back in 2017.
Not many people were interested but he was.

I shared results and we chatted about it and during the conversation I said I'm no scientist but and went on to explain whatever it was I was thinking.

His responce was something to the tune of you may think your not a scientist and went on to say I was and it was just a couple of sentences that made my day and stayed with me as a pleasant memory.

Coincidently I am about 5 weeks into flowering in 5 gallon pots right now and for the 1st time I'm having excellent results watering every day.

I have occasionally tried watering everyday in the past and could not get it right.
This is only the 1st time I feel I am getting good results.
I didn't start watering everyday until I was part way into flowering and didn't plan to water everyday it just sort of went that way.

So here I am today watering everyday and weighing my plants. :peace:
My conversations were with iam4satori in 2017.
Then he wasn't around for a while and started popping in again from time to time.

I remember something he said to me a couple of years ago that made my day at the time and it was something I would occasionally look back to in a good way.

I would do experiments with watering soil and I was recording the weight of my pots each day back in 2017.
Not many people were interested but he was.

I shared results and we chatted about it and during the conversation I said I'm no scientist but and went on to explain whatever it was I was thinking.

His responce was something to the tune of you may think your not a scientist and went on to say I was and it was just a couple of sentences that made my day and stayed with me as a pleasant memory.

Coincidently I am about 5 weeks into flowering in 5 gallon pots right now and for the 1st time I'm having excellent results watering every day.

I have occasionally tried watering everyday in the past and could not get it right.
This is only the 1st time I feel I am getting good results.
I didn't start watering everyday until I was part way into flowering and didn't plan to water everyday it just sort of went that way.

So here I am today watering everyday and weighing my plants. :peace:

I am a long time, avid daily watering guy!
Welcome to the club..

Yup, that was Jack..sigh.