Deficiency or burn??


Well-Known Member
What does everyone think the problem with my plant is? Is it too much nutes, or too little or maybe even a ph problem???


New Member
If I had to guess which apparently I do...I would say Mg deficiency. Try some cal/mag

P.S. Love the avatar gives me a woody! LOL!


Well-Known Member
I'ma go with N and all its related micro elements. Mg show first on the lower leaves not the upper also the apical buds are green and not yellowing so it's Ca the problem. Nevertheless I think this isn't just a def problem but a pH flux/Sats built up related one.

Flush your soil with twice the amount of water of your pots capacity, set the pH at 7 as your PH must be Acidic locking mostly Ca, Mg, P etc... If it's under 6.0 it'd explain the N def as well. Add 2 drops of Super-Thrive per Gallon and let them rest for 2 days. Meanwhile foliar feed with a soft solution. There's plenty of recipes around but some GH micro would work fine. I feel like throwing stones not knowing your pot sizes, medium, Ph, temps, RH, Hardness of water ect... Please try to provide more info and pictures of the whole plant so we can help you better


Well-Known Member
I have them in 3 gallon pots using FFOF soil with a 150w HPS and 69w of 2700k cfl's. I am using jacks classic nutrients (dynamic duo). Temps stay around mid to high 70's with humidity around 30%. They are one week into flower.


Well-Known Member
Well I just watered it with a strong dose of jacks classic blossom booster so we'll see if that helps.