
You should make the holes a bit bigger so they don't get clogged. And just wait it out a couple days to see if the problem persists. If damn near all of the plant is healthy, you shouldn't worry much about a small little problem. Just wait it out and give an update bro. :wink:
I am due to water tomorrow, But I used nutes last week, but they were irrelevant, because of the ppm. A few questions

I took a screw and made room in the drainage holes..That will work right? I have plenty of least 6.

judging by the pictures you've seen, What nutes should I add tomorrow? and what deficiencies do you think are present?

I am growing White Widow. 12/12 from seed. I'm probably about 2 weeks into flowering.
I don't see any defs bro. Not a bit. Unless you can provide some better pics I can look over it a bit more.
And I don't think there's anything more you can do other than follow your feeding eegimin. Maybe some other stuff like molasses for denser buds if ya want. But I don't reallysee anything now. Your girl looks fine :wink:
I don't see any defs bro. Not a bit. Unless you can provide some better pics I can look over it a bit more.
And I don't think there's anything more you can do other than follow your feeding eegimin. Maybe some other stuff like molasses for denser buds if ya want. But I don't reallysee anything now. Your girl looks fine :wink:
don't know what you're looking at but the pic in post 7 clearly shows a cal issue, mainly deficiency. trust me i know, i experienced cal/mag issues growing in coco and growing out mostly chems, og kush and diesel hybrids.
op you can take advise from whoever you choose but i tell you one thing, leave the plant alone like this dude suggest and i'll be waiting for your next help me thread.
Yeah but the other guy thinks that deviated little leaf may be a cal deficiency
I highly doubt that. If it was a cal mag def, you'd see some yellowing first. Just likea nitrogen def. But seeing as there are no yellowing leaves, you're good.
dude, you're too funny. a cal issue doesn't display yellowing, you're talking about mag. and yes the pic in post 7 is the start of a cal problem.

you would think that one knows what he's talking about when making bold statements, but looking at your post, i guess that isn't always the case.

also just because you see a cal or mag issue that doesn't mean both will show at the same time. you can have a cal issue without having a mag issue and vise versa. now if you leave either of the two untreated for a length of time, then will you start to see both at the same time.
That's why I said to WAIT IT OUT to see if it persists, you ignorant dipshit.
Go back to having unprotected sex with hookers and shooting up with them.
Get AIDs, faggot.
Oh wait... you already have it.
That's why I said to WAIT IT OUT to see if it persists, you ignorant dipshit.
Go back to having unprotected sex with hookers and shooting up with them.
Get AIDs, faggot.
Oh wait... you already have it.
lol, i see you too have that dry sense of humor that is so prevalent around these parts. you are soo corny it's not even believably.

i see you're another noob that just wait for something to happen when the evidence is right in front of your face. it's obvious that dude thought, or notice rather, that something wasn't right with his plant, shit even i noticed it, but yet you are giving out advise as if you're qualified to do when you can't even see the problem when it's in front of your face.

why should he wait it out when he see the problem at this very moment? oh i get it, because you suggested so.
lol, i see you too have that dry sense of humor that is so prevalent around these parts. you are soo corny it's not even believably.

i see you're another noob that just wait for something to happen when the evidence is right in front of your face. it's obvious that dude thought, or notice rather, that something wasn't right with his plant, shit even i noticed it, but yet you are giving out advise as if you're qualified to do when you can't even see the problem when it's in front of your face.

why should he wait it out when he see the problem at this very moment? oh i get it, because you suggested so.

Wait a minute... I remember you, you little ignorant prick! You're that one retard who's just as retarded as bmeat!
You little shit, you're giving advice? For black fucking Christ. What has this world come to.
Wait a minute... I remember you, you little ignorant prick! You're that one retard who's just as retarded as bmeat!
You little shit, you're giving advice? For black fucking Christ. What has this world come to.

lol, yeah that's me, but the only difference is that i really can grow and my abilities to read plants is up there with my growing abilities.

funny thing about you and others that are alike, is that you'll talk a bunch of bs than try to attack me until i start posting pics of my plants, then scream that i am a know it all, after i started out as a person that doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about in the beginning. you dudes are lame to say the least.
a pic of the full plant and without the light on will help, as for ppm / EC do you calibrate your tester ?

Yeah I calibrated, but its such a pain in the ass to twist the back of my TDS meter, It was over 110 points (shoulda been 1000, it was 1110) so I will just keep in mind during my readings that whatever it reads, it's 110 over. Another thing, just as another educated second opinion, could you take a look at post 7 of the picture I posted and tell me if you agree it's cal def? I'm sure it is, a second opinion never hurts. Thanks beautiful :)
Yeah I calibrated, but its such a pain in the ass to twist the back of my TDS meter, It was over 110 points (shoulda been 1000, it was 1110) so I will just keep in mind during my readings that whatever it reads, it's 110 over. Another thing, just as another educated second opinion, could you take a look at post 7 of the picture I posted and tell me if you agree it's cal def? I'm sure it is, a second opinion never hurts. Thanks beautiful :)
mmmm it as a look of it but without a good pic of the full plant with no light on its hard to say and just like all the others its a guess, post a better pic and you will be told what it is, going back to your tester, if it was out the last time you calibrated it then it might be out more now and your just guessing what it might be, its better to get that sorted as its one less thing to be thinking about. it as a look of over watering too but like i say we defo need better pics......sorry i can't help until you sort the pics out