Defiency, Nute Burn... Not sure please help!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Take about a tblsp of dolomite lime and sprinkle around plant. If it's been less than 24 hrs since you watered go ahead and do it now . That way it will keep ur PH un check so they can recover. You may want to put a lil h2o2 in with water to add a lil oxygen to help roots recover. If you have a small fan you can point it over soil on low speed to help take out extra moisture


Not sure if its the same but without going to hydro store can I use garden lime? Is it the same stuff??? If so I won't be able to purchase til 2morrow afternoon should I wait til next water and sprinkle then water or can I just sprinkle 2morrow?? Also alil more info on h2o2 plz, sorry on so many questions but I wanna make my hard time pay off!!


Well-Known Member
NO. Just go to Lowe's or Home depot and get some dolomite lime if you can, powdered will water into the soil faster than granulated.
If gran. is all you can find, smash it up before sprinkling, then water it in.
It will take some time to start working, so unless you repot and mix it in the soil, pretty much all you can do is wait it out and PH your water going in.
Watering until you get more runoff than usual will help a little, but not much.


updated pics, since then watered once just ph water no nutes no lime!!!002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg005.jpgPic 1 showing how most of green has died in middle of plant. Pic 2 hard to tell but trying to show what i believe will be new growth!!! I'm seeing the start of more green coming from inner branches but its blury.. Pic shows the tops of plant, as i said most of middle of plant has died but the tops keep growing but still have some dark outline on leaves and some spotting. Pic 4 spotting im talking about seems to be juist one plant tho all others are just getting dark outline!!!


Active Member
did you get help yet?, if so great If not...What kind of nutes are you using?, check this and info on all kinds of problems with plants
I had a similar problem with my first grow, I was using X nutes, have since changed to advanced, no longer have that problem yes its a bit more expensive
but I dont have to constantly get mixes right it comes out perfect everytime...
Which for me is hard with osteo and arthritis I am going to find the easiest best way to do things...and it doesnt take much of it the cost wasnt so bad
but I am doing if yours is soil you would have to research....
well hope the site helps you Identify your problem, I'm too new to growing so wont say what I think...good luck and let us know how its going
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Someday I will learn to use this silly lil camera lol...instead of pics I just took a lil short video, but came to post it and says I have to have a url from youtube , hulu or something else...cant just load from my computer...will it work if its from photobucket or Fotki?...I have accounts at both of those?...anyone know ?...


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried loading a vid at photobucket, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
worst comes to worst, put up an account at youtube, then click the 'share', click the link, then put into the 'post video' box here.


Active Member
Ok thankyou Imchucky so then it just needs a url to go to, to be seen will try that and see, I have a youtube account, but years of not being seen are still a bit ingrained lol...being so out there for the world to see is a bit scary you tube it is at least ive seen vids posted there..TY for the help...


New Member
Sadly my friend I think your losing the battle. I would not waste more time and effort on them, looks like you have a few issues going on at the same time.

They are so far gone you should think about "contaminating your enviorment" for future crops.

Best thing you can do at this stage is buy a grow bible, read it from cover to cover then try again.

MG soil or any soil that has been fortified should not be used in my opinion.

Good Luck


Active Member
[video=youtube_share;E3K8NpQmAIs][/video] ok here goes nothings I got posted on youtube, here is the link...I hope it works and is worth lookin at sure and turn down your sound I forgot to turn off sound on video before taking it...let me know do My babies look good? they sure are starting to smell that way lol...