DEFOLIATION . . . . a hands on approach!

Do you defoliate?

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You think we're arguing and I thought we were havin a conversation ?

I give you totals for all cancers and you come back with one lmao

The folks in Malano smoke the creme lol do the research

notions my friend based only on core beliefs and perceptions will always cloud your mind, once you gain an open mind you will learn and understand so much more

Pot grown in these volcanic regions, is the best there is. Why do you think Azomite is so popular and OMRI certified LMAO
you can flush bennies and fungus out of the soil? organic doesn't need it, then how do you remove the chlorophyll and get "white" better tasting buds from organic grown? It just doesn't compute batman

What do bennies and fungus have to do with heavy metals and contaminants?

Ur obviously lost in this conversation.

Flushing is to reduce and remove contaminants from synthetic nutrients. I never said anything other than thisYOU CAN FLUSH ANYTHING.

You can flush all the nutrients out of an organic medium. You can wash away everything in the medium if u flush long enough. DUH

ur just trying to turn this conversation into something its not.

Chlorophyll is broken down by curing!! R U SERIOUS???

Wow man. U have alot to learn. Chlorophyll has nothing to do w nutrients or sources of them whatsoever. I dont like to say this often but ur an idiot. Sorry had to be said
You think we're arguing and I thought we were havin a conversation ?

I give you totals for all cancers and you come back with one lmao

The folks in Malano smoke the creme lol do the research

notions my friend based only on core beliefs and perceptions will always cloud your mind, once you gain an open mind you will learn and understand so much more

Pot grown in these volcanic regions, is the best there is. Why do you think Azomite is so popular and OMRI certified LMAO
Im conversating w you for sure. The other guys arguing and talkin about shit i never even said anything about lol
Azomite is just a process formed from volcanic activity. Its a mineral deposit that is left over. Its obviously all organic deposit thats collected.

Thats not growing marijuana in a lead based soil near a volcano man. Come on
What do bennies and fungus have to do with heavy metals and contaminants?

Ur obviously lost in this conversation.

Flushing is to reduce and remove contaminants from synthetic nutrients. I never said anything other than thisYOU CAN FLUSH ANYTHING.

You can flush all the nutrients out of an organic medium. You can wash away everything in the medium if u flush long enough. DUH

ur just trying to turn this conversation into something its not.

Chlorophyll is broken down by curing!! R U SERIOUS???

Wow man. U have alot to learn. Chlorophyll has nothing to do w nutrients or sources of them whatsoever. I dont like to say this often but ur an idiot. Sorry had to be said
Ok, I am the idiot, I only took YOUR words and asked you to provide answers to your contradicting statements.
Azomite is just a process formed from volcanic activity. Its a mineral deposit that is left over. Its obviously all organic deposit thats collected.

Thats not growing marijuana in a lead based soil near a volcano man. Come on
Have you looked at the specs on Azomite, there is lead in it as well as several other heavy metals
according to this guy, You flush a synthetic grow to remove stored nutrients, heavy metal and contaminates to make a better tasting smoke, YET, if you are organic, you don't need to flush because there are no heavy metals or contaminates or stored nutrients? yet he then says, it is the removal of chlorophyll during the drying and curing process that makes it taste better. I must be an idiot, because I am really confused. can you not dry and cure a synthetic grow? so confused
Cant change peoples minds, smoked a joint that burned funny and sparked, dude said it was because there was still nutes in it. Had to go into my room cut a bud 6 weeks in getting fed at 900ppm, threw it in the microwave and dried it for him and told him to smoke it. No sparks just a clean white ash, the dark ash and sparking is from wet bud that wont burn properly.
much like when you throw a wet log on a campfire, it sparks doesnt burn right and leaves a heavy black ash.
btw both jorge c and ed rosenthal arnt fucking growers, they get paid to put their names on product for marketing
and it was also my understanding that plants use both organic and in organic materials,

You can flush anything. But the point is organic dont need it ur not using synthetic lab made shit w all the contaminants in it. Thats the point of growing organics DUH

You might want to read this

Also that "synthetic lab made shit" is in a form that is immediately ready for the plants use. Unlike organic fertilizer which isn't ready right away and needs to be broken down into an inorganic soluble form (slow release fert)

And as for your India comment, plenty of people smoke and use cannabis. It's even mentioned in the Vedas or Hindu texts which mentions cannabis as one of their 5 sacred plants.

While you are quite knowledgable, I feel you speak out of conjecture and the people who have been responding to your posts the most are pretty well known on this site for sifting thru the bullshit of "forum paradigms".
Have you looked at the specs on Azomite, there is lead in it as well as several other heavy metals

Yes it has deposits of lead but very minute trace amounts. Everyone know lead is a contaminant which is why we dont use lead based paints anymore. Last thing Im gonna say regarding the whole convo about flushing is that theres plenty of research on the benefits from flushing synthetic nutrients from your plants

It does work to an extent. No not everything will come out especially shit stored into cells and plant tissue. But it reduces the amounts of metals and nutrients leading to cleaner better smoke.

Go send out tissue samples and flowers to the company of a flushed plant vs one that wasnt they will send u the results and u can see if it works for yourself instead of arguing about it.
Yes it has deposits of lead but very minute trace amounts. Everyone know lead is a contaminant which is why we dont use lead based paints anymore. Last thing Im gonna say regarding the whole convo about flushing is that theres plenty of research on the benefits from flushing synthetic nutrients from your plants

It does work to an extent. No not everything will come out especially shit stored into cells and plant tissue. But it reduces the amounts of metals and nutrients leading to cleaner better smoke.

Go send out tissue samples and flowers to the company of a flushed plant vs one that wasnt they will send u the results and u can see if it works for yourself instead of arguing about it.
what if I sent them a organic grown(unflushed) vs a flushed synthetic grown? Again, does organic grown nitrogen differ from synthetic grown nitrogen? I'm pretty sure they are both the same ION. so, how come organic grown, Unflushed supposedly tastes better, I just don't get it and/or your not explaining it good enough for an idiot like me.
Thats the whole point of flushing synthetics. Ur force feeding ur plants. By flushing they are uptaking water not more nutrients storing them in the buds when they dont need any more nutrients to ripen.

When u run organics ur plants are barely even taking up any nutrients in the final weeks because they dont need it. Which is why people who dont flush usually taper down feedings in the final weeks because u want ur flowers to ripen to continue to eat and produce energy and growth
Fluhsing serves multiple purposes removing excess salts and nutrient and metals is only one point. Flushing also serves purpose of ripening flowers and preparing for harvest. Reducing nutrient uptake helps aid the plant into finishing and ripening up in turn causing the yellowing and colors to come out.

Its whatever im done on subject that all i have to say on it. Up to u to learn for urself and figure it out.
Thats the whole point of flushing synthetics. Ur force feeding ur plants. By flushing they are uptaking water not more nutrients storing them in the buds when they dont need any more nutrients to ripen.

When u run organics ur plants are barely even taking up any nutrients in the final weeks because they dont need it. Which is why people who dont flush usually taper down feedings in the final weeks because u want ur flowers to ripen to continue to eat and produce energy and growth
Fluhsing serves multiple purposes removing excess salts and nutrient and metals is only one point. Flushing also serves purpose of ripening flowers and preparing for harvest. Reducing nutrient uptake helps aid the plant into finishing and ripening up in turn causing the yellowing and colors to come out.

Its whatever im done on subject that all i have to say on it. Up to u to learn for urself and figure it out.
AND, didn't you say earlier that it takes time for an organic soil to break down materials before they become available to the plant? Well, wouldn't they be most available at the end, after they have had time to breakdown? HMMM?

isn't that WHY they re use it?
This thread still has SO MUCH potential......
It's sad that it had to be invaded by a grower(questionable) who had to spout his views as non refutable facts ,,, to even non related topics that others felt compelled to answer (in a relative way,,I understand).

Please continue! I am watching this thread with great expectations.......The point being. In the end we will SEE the proof by actual side by side testing with pics!

"crazy shit"
And yet another thread has headed in a different direction!

I popped in to see how this comparison was going just to see another off topic argument.... Geesh!!! :mrgreen:

Is the OP going to continue the original topic? :weed:
because the plant only takes in what it needs when it needs it, if it's in organic soil? so, how does it know if those nutrients are from an organic source, or a synthetic source?

Because u still dont understand what im talking about.

Im talking about synthetic nutrients that contain heavy metals, contaminants and salts
organics dont contain these things!
So obviously im not talking about organics I never was I said flushing when running synthetics. You my friend are the one who turned it into something I never said

YOU FLUSH FOR FINAL 2 weeks beginning with a low strength solution 1/4 strength beginning of the 2 week before harvest to break down and remove the salts in the root zone. As the root zone is depleted of nutrients the plant uses the stored nutrient and by continuing to feed with plain water they are no longer absorbing additional contaminants, salts, hevay metals or nutrients

Therefore your final product IE THE FLOWERS will not be heavily concentrated with excessive contaminants, salts, heavy metals and nutrients because you have not been giving them to the plant.

Its an easy concept to understand. IDK WHYyou brought up the organics since I never said u needed to flush running organics (this is something u said and asked not me) i responded by saying you can flush any medium using any nutrients. If you flush your soil and leach it than the organic nutrients will also be flushed out as well. Thats the purpose of flushing. There are no contaminants and heavy metals in organics that is the point. Its not as necessary because they arent in ur medium or in ur plant because u never fed them thay shit to begin with.

Hows this a difficult concept to understand? I really dont get it why ur turning what I said into what u want me to say so u can make a point that was never being discussed to begin with.

And NO plants dont know where the source of nutrient they are getting is derived from synthetic or organic (N) is nitrogen. Its whats it the nitrogen and source that is the difference. If u are using veganics or plant based sources obviously there arent gonna be contaminants and metals in the nutrients are there? NO THERE WONT BE.
If u used synthetic nutrients THERE WILL BE. So u want to flush them out as much as u can to stop the onslaught on pounding ur plants with these sources of poisons.
Its not a mystery why cannabis clubs out west test flowers at their dispensaries and make people label what their products where grown with. Because synthetics have shit people dont wanna ingest inhale into their bodies which is why everyone wants organic grown pot.

Not only cannabis but also food as well. Which is why health conscious people want to consume food from organic natural grown farms. Not from farms using these chemical nutrients and its for these exact reasons.

All be the case if u dont want to flush dont fckin do it. I just made a recommendation that ur flowers are better when u do. Taste, smell, how it burns etc..

You guys are obviously on the dont flush and dont defoliate train so stay on stick with it and its all good. I dont care. I posted information for people who are interested and do care about what they smoke and how their final product comes out. If u dont like it or believe in it so be it.