Defoliation the first few leafs

Unfortunately the Hyenas on here won't allow anybody to make mistakes.
It's not a mistake if you do it intentionally, especially after being warned by growers with more experience, knowledge and wisdom. At that point it just becomes stubborn stupidity.
No problems, but you had to switch formulas. Hmm.. Kinda sounds like there is a problem. Keep peddling.
That wasn't a problem
It was only changed because it was noted so low
Have used it on two previous grows must have done the same so it was not a problem.
Have changed nutrient so it comes within range that's all. A problem no.
Change to soft water formula is giving more correct readings
Right tank has dialled in @6.16 PH with no adjustment
Left tank added a little PH down that's dropped to 5.8.
With little to no movement overnight on either readings

Strange A?
Soft water formula gives correct readings
Hard water formula in hard water gives readings to low. Hmmmm

I suppose it could be an error from the nutrient makers put too much acid in.
Fucking growers would love that!!

Could it be the system NTT works a little differently.

No that's impossible the blinkered vision guys have said it. So nothing can work different from NFT it's all been invented there is nothing to add

WTF does it grow soo much leaf
That's another vision that isn't really there. BV guys say leaf should. Stay LOL are you sure.
Well it isn't when I've took it away

WTF I can run @2.0 and higher
BV guys in NFT [email protected] WTF is that all about
Flower @1.4 yet nutrient makers say the plants EC is 2.0
BV guys say nutrient makers have got it wrong
Of course they have. LOL
They wouldn't scientifically take the plant apart to find this out would they?
Nutrient makers lie apparently to sell more nute
Of course they do.

It wouldn't be the system you are using cannot handle 2.0 would it
It wouldn't be the growth medium your using stopping you maintaining 2.0

While your still working it out. By the time you get an answer there could be a few more differences to sort out.
Happy growing guys and gals
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Why did you have to rectify the pH since pH doesn't matter? Why wouldn't you just have left it where it was?
After getting the meter and finding it was low had already said I would run one to PH the other
As pH was extremely low I decided to change to soft water formula which has cured the low PH
Putting it untouched to 6.16 ph
The other added some pH down a little too much taking it down to 5.8

Of course I could have left one @ 3.96 but I didn't would you.
After getting the meter and finding it was low had already said I would run one to PH the other
As pH was extremely low I decided to change to soft water formula which has cured the low PH
Putting it untouched to 6.16 ph
The other added some pH down a little too much taking it down to 5.8

Of course I could have left one @ 3.96 but I didn't would you.
No I'd never let it get to 4 as I know pH matters.
Would not matter what was said or how it was done it would be wrong in your book.
It's not what's "wrong" or "right" that should matter in life Hairy. That mentality will only hold you back and you'll find yourself alone in the corner of the room.

Life's about what works for common good. That means you need to learn how to read and listen properly and steadily work in terms of understanding your own shortcomings and room for improvements.

That's what @rkymtnman means by his statement. It's not that the hard water formula didn't work it's your incapability to learn and understand what's in said formula and how to use it. There's measures people do to regulate mineral ionic exchange and pH in hydroponics. You instead choose to blame the formula.

You're to strong willed and proud to see your own shortcomings. You need to start building curiosity and learn what works for others and what they do to operate a stable hydroponic system.

You're not following recommendations and numbers supported by science and anecdotal evidence. You can't expect people to praise your work.
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It's not what's "wrong" or "right" that should matter in life Hairy. That mentality will only hold you back and you'll find yourself alone in the corner of the room.

Life's about what works for common good. That means you need to learn how to read and listen properly and steadily work in terms of understanding your own shortcomings and room for improvements.

That's what @rkymtnman means by his statement. It's not that the hard water formula didn't work it's your incapability to learn and understand what's in said formula and how to use it. There's measures people do to regulate mineral ionic exchange and pH in hydroponics. You instead choose to blame the formula.

You're to strong willed and proud to see your own shortcomings. You need to start building curiosity and learn what works for others and what they do to operate a stable hydroponic system.

You're not following recommendations and numbers supported by science and anecdotal evidence. You can't expect people to praise your work.
And even when you do follow recommendations
There's twats like yourself still sniping and saying it's all been done. You have blinkered vision my friend
Here's another point for you guys to mull over.

You guys use pH down. Yes?

My system looks to be trending with a downward PH so to correct will have to use PH up.

Too have a PH that moves down means there is a greater gaseous exchange of oxygen going into the water and CO2 out. Even with plant eating nutrient pH still goes down.

A ph that moves up. This is down to lower nutrient levels.which you guys run. The plant eating the nutrient causes PH to rise.

That being said.
Makes my system sort of the polar opposite of yours does it not?
would much prefer a civil conversation if that is possible.
Will carry on like it is. That's BP for yah.

Nutrient change to soft water gave an initial reading of 6.16 next day 6.17 (1 point probably meter fluctuation)
Today 5.4
Other tank showed similar but lower as that got PH to 5.8 the first day, today is 4.41
ECs are 2.0 and 1.8/2.0
Wether the PH has bottomed out or going lower. Tomorrow will tell.

As there is nothing in the tank baring a 1 inch rockwool block there's nothing to affect the PH
Did a bit of research coming up with the gaseous exchange. And lower nutrient levels causing PH to rise.
Could it be NTT does exist?
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Here's another point for you guys to mull over.

You guys use pH down. Yes?

My system looks to be trending with a downward PH so to correct will have to use PH up.

Too have a PH that moves down means there is a greater gaseous exchange of oxygen going into the water and CO2 out. Even with plant eating nutrient pH still goes down.

A ph that moves up. This is down to lower nutrient levels.which you guys run. The plant eating the nutrient causes PH to rise.

That being said.
Makes my system sort of the polar opposite of yours does it not?
would much prefer a civil conversation if that is possible.
Will carry on like it is. That's BP for yah.

Nutrient change to soft water gave an initial reading of 6.16 next day 6.17 (1 point probably meter fluctuation)
Today 5.4
Other tank showed similar but lower as that got PH to 5.8 the first day, today is 4.41
ECs are 2.0 and 1.8/2.0
Wether the PH has bottomed out or going lower. Tomorrow will tell.

As there is nothing in the tank baring a 1 inch rockwool block there's nothing to affect the PH
Did a bit of research coming up with the gaseous exchange. And lower nutrient levels causing PH to rise.
Could it be NTT does exist?
All hail Harry the inventor of NTT.
Here's another point for you guys to mull over.

You guys use pH down. Yes?

My system looks to be trending with a downward PH so to correct will have to use PH up.

Too have a PH that moves down means there is a greater gaseous exchange of oxygen going into the water and CO2 out. Even with plant eating nutrient pH still goes down.

A ph that moves up. This is down to lower nutrient levels.which you guys run. The plant eating the nutrient causes PH to rise.

That being said.
Makes my system sort of the polar opposite of yours does it not?
would much prefer a civil conversation if that is possible.
Will carry on like it is. That's BP for yah.

Nutrient change to soft water gave an initial reading of 6.16 next day 6.17 (1 point probably meter fluctuation)
Today 5.4
Other tank showed similar but lower as that got PH to 5.8 the first day, today is 4.41
ECs are 2.0 and 1.8/2.0
Wether the PH has bottomed out or going lower. Tomorrow will tell.

As there is nothing in the tank baring a 1 inch rockwool block there's nothing to affect the PH
Did a bit of research coming up with the gaseous exchange. And lower nutrient levels causing PH to rise.
Could it be NTT does exist?
Let's not follow recommendations and scientific knowledge. Let's find another bogus term that only affect pH to a very small degree to justify our bad numbers and sad looking plants.

"Gaseous exchange" doesn't lower pH by 1 whole point in a couple of days. You have an ongoing problem, as long as you don't follow recommendations you will experience problems.

Your pH is low because you're feeding to high EC, but "pH is not a problem in NTT" so you already have everything figured out right? All hail Harry our self entitled hydro expert!