Defoliation - Touchy Subject My Theory (Veg + Flower)


Well-Known Member
You don't, I even stated that in a previous post, I am against defoliating during flower. Once or twice MAX.

Stress CAN equal Hermie....

I've had some super stable strains that took light leaks for like 1.5 days and never hermied on me. Some other plants hermied in same tent. I left the light in the room on and left the tent open. Not strong light but defiantly a light leak.

Some strains are very resilient.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Splfreak808, correct. It will put the brakes on upward growth until the fan leaves have recovered, within a week on strains that accept defol.
As in all technique timing is key. If I complete my last defol just as my stretch ends. The plant has started stacking fat buds by then. It isn't so stressed tht it wants to bolt.
Btw I have ran this more than I can't count on hands. Never had bananas unless I had a light leak. I'm sure it's strain dependent. My Sour diesel can take it but more than once and I risk bananas last couple weeks. Ouch trying to avoid those pollen sacs for now.
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Well-Known Member
You don't, I even stated that in a previous post, I am against defoliating during flower. Once or twice MAX.

Stress CAN equal Hermie....

I've had some super stable strains that took light leaks for like 1.5 days and never hermied on me. Some other plants hermied in same tent. I left the light in the room on and left the tent open. Not strong light but defiantly a light leak.

Some strains are very resilient.
That's just genetics and breeding selection. If you have strong stable genetics. Stress and light leaks will not cause any hermies. It may slow growth. Mj is the most adaptable plant. Defoliation of healthy leaves will slow growth and stunt flower development as well.


Well-Known Member
That's just genetics and breeding selection. If you have strong stable genetics. Stress and light leaks will not cause any hermies. It may slow growth. Mj is the most adaptable plant. Defoliation of healthy leaves will slow growth and stunt flower development as well.
I think everyone on here would agree with that.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Defoliation is a Canopy Management Technique.

So is Scrogging, like what you have done with the screen.

Both methods are trying to achieve the same goal.
scrogging is the style of growing that makes up for lack of penetrating light , defoiling is growing too big of plants for your light and trying to compensate for it by stripping the good stuff and claiming it's good for the lower parts.


Well-Known Member
I want to learn about selective harvesting, I have done it once. I cut the tops and let the little popcorns go for another month. I just had dense popcorn buds. It was on an Iced Widow.


Well-Known Member
scrogging is the style of growing that makes up for lack of penetrating light , defoiling is growing too big of plants for your light and trying to compensate for it by stripping the good stuff and claiming it's good for the lower parts.
I defoliate in a SOG grow. So I dont grow plants that are too big. In fact its the opposite.

I take clones that are fully rooted and I flower them directly into 12 /12


Well-Known Member
Defoliation is a Canopy Management Technique.

So is Scrogging, like what you have done with the screen.

Both methods are trying to achieve the same goal.
No, they are not. Defoliation removes leaves. Leaves are responsible for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is how a plant makes food and grows. If you remove leaves, you have less photosynthesis. If you have less photosynthesis, you have less food and energy. If you have less food and energy, you have a plant slow in growth.

No other crop do the farmers rip leaves off, period. They may prune fruit trees but that is totally different.

Now on to scrog.
Cannabis grows with (apical dominance) which is like a Christmas tree. One main bud.
When you top or scrog you break apical dominance. The break in dominance causes (auxins) to be redistributed evenly among the multiple buds at even level.

Take the time to look up the words I highlighted for you so you can understand what you are talking about.

Sorry, its basic botany. There is no way you can convince me that removing what a plant needs will help it.

Now if you really think I'm wrong, feel free to post pics of some plants you defoliated.


Well-Known Member
Instead of removing the leaves blocking lower bud sites.... start flowering 1 week earlier next time so you don't have as many lower bud sites.

If your plants have already grown beyond what your lighting can handle and you don't want to add more light, don't cut the top leaves to let light reach bottom leaves.... cut the lower sucker branches with stems the size of a toothpick or less. It's best to cut these sucker branches off when they're very young so you don't waste energy growing them in the first place. All plant mass you chop off is wasted time. Smaller mass chopped, smaller time wasted.

Cutting top fan leaves makes no sense unless they're already fried (maybe you got lazy and they hit the light or something). Then it makes sense to get them out of the way... Why you'd chop them otherwise makes 0 sense.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
How does pulling leaves off end up being LOW STRESS??
dumbest statement on defoiling yet.
sorry if statement is "dumb" chuck estevez - thought this site was a friendly site and that people don't put down other people's efforts to help other growers =- your comment doesn't help any body but your self and also shows what type of person you are - have a Merry Xmass and hope the new year brings you more consideration for others

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Another statement that show's what type of person you are -bet you are single - do you have any friend's if so bet they really like your smart-ass attitude- I will pray for you friend !!!!!
please don't pray for me, I don't believe in fairy tales, I also don't care that I hurt your poor little feelings. You made a stupid statement, i pointed it out and now you feel stupid because you know i am right, and now you're trying to make me out to be something you think I am. I ain't your friend and I don't give a shit, so suck it.:mrgreen:

PS. your mom like's that I am single, she gets real jealous.
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harris hawk

Well-Known Member
please don't pray for me, I don't believe in fairy tales, I also don't care that I hurt your poor little feelings. You made a stupid statement, i pointed it out and now you feel stupid because you know i am right, and now you're trying to make me out to be something you think I am. I ain't your friend and I don't give a shit, so suck it.:mrgreen:

PS. your mom like's that I am single, she gets real jealous.
I agree - PEACE - hope the coming year bring you & family good times. Happy new years !

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
I also like how you tried to act like you are some kind of nice religious guy while attacking my character with insults.
Kind of makes you a fuckin hypocrite, doesn't it?
Thanks ! didn't know that -guess one learns something new every day - Peace - Be happy on the hoilday's
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