defoliation? yes/no and techniques

why must it be defined and outlined? are you one of those "inside the box" / "only do what other people tell me to do and not experiment in my own garden" type of people? it shouldnt have to be defined to a T. if you remove a leaf, you removed foliage, therefire, it has been defoliated. if you would like me to refer back to that dictionary and show you where the prefix of De- came from, i will, but im sure your a big boy and will look it up on your own. again, this nullis character seems to be nothing more than a teenage troll looking to up his post count and stay at the IQ level of a box of rocks. if in the past 12 pages, he (and any other non-believer out there) hasnt opened their eyes to the fact that it is all in how it is done and technique is needed, well then, let them live in their magical worlds... they choose to remain blind even though the words and the science is placed in front of them multiple times.... i will remain following this thread as i like the work being done on the plant side of things, but beginner boy Nullis needs to stow it... if you dont believe in defoliation, go elsewhere. we arnt here to try and argue it into your head that you're wrong and we are right... we are here to discuss whether we feel it works or not, and the techniques we use. key word is DISCUSS!!! not whine like a fucking preschooler.

Well Put. I understand to an extent nullis's stress, what im finidng difficult to compute is that, how comes an obviously intellectual individual, fails to be such a knuckle head. Forget opening your mind null n just stop putting each n every comment down that doesnt appeal to u or Isnt sucking ur ass. Reslect that the scince of defol may not be known by users of the technique, so explaining exactly the process isnt going to be possible for most. The pure relevant information u need in my opinion on the art of defoliating would be:
● Fans plucked causes Branching From Nearest Node Points (Not every node point of a plucked leaf will branch out)
●Auxins are shifted to these branches to speed up their growth to catch up to nodes n branches above
●Older Leaves (fans) store energy not being used by plant as roots provides most of these. Light is needed so plants can photosynthesise when there is an abundant of leaves, the plant stores up a load of energy and doesnt use it all, defoliating them now reshifts these energies, a positive stress as it is used (must be a healthy plant from the start of veg for optimum results n less likely hood of hurting ur plant for the worse) to make the branchin happen produce shorter nodes.
●You Get More Of An Horizontal growth
●Throughout grow if constantly defoliating, you can more easily manage the height of most plants (mainly in flower)
●Easier Managed Temps in Grow Room
●More Airflow causing Stronger Branches, influencing denser buds
●Greater levels of Light Penetration, causing buds to develop better to full ripeness and the lowest bud sites usually lollipopped will develop 75-95% just as well as the highest bud, this increases as you get further up the plant, all in all meaningyou will get good developed and weighty buds rising to great dense beautifu heavierl buds

To defoliate you need to trial n research different strains, strains that produce fairly large amounts of leaves (indicas are best as they are more compact) and are good with dealing with stress, the latter being the more important of the 2. Oh and some strains dont like their leaves touched at all, do not attempt to continue defoliating if u get major resistance from your girl. We want our girls to produce beautiful yields and good smoke dnt ever force defol a resisting plant thinking it will be okay. The plant you choose when starting to veg too about 10in should show if they are strong and will be easy to tell how healthy they are. If the plant has no issues and is growing good n no stress, you can attenpt defol, after 4 days the girl if strong and able will bounce right back up producing more leaves n new growth if she takes 6days id say wait another 2days then defol she may have jus been slower to adjust if she continues with another 6 revert to growing without the use of defol. After 4 days in a healthy girl that cones back well will produce plenty more leaves and after another 3-6 days will be looking great and new grown branches from plucked sites n tighter nodes will be visible.
with other techniques combined such as supercropping, topping and lsting you can grow an amazing plant with a beautiful yield more so than your previous grows.

its been proven that Corn, Carrots, Strawberries and Tomatoes just to name a few when subjected to defoliation tend to produce 40-60% more fruits. These are all plants with similar growth to that of cannabis with obvious exemptions. The time in relevance that they can be grown and some can take the exact same nutes we love to give to our girls no problem.

Thats to the best I feel defol can be explained by myself in a simpleton manner as I cant do it no other way I cnt say this chemical is doing this and now that and this is going there and here causing all these reactions, this is all the visual evidence u get with experience of defoliating and then theres the use of defol in other fruits and sone veg that produce more yields use the net for proof dont read 1 story, it took me hundreds of reading n arguing that defol is some bullsh*t n u r messing with nature and the girls hate it and you are an idiot how the hell does that work, yup you cant explain too good cuz its ur rubbish make up bullshit to mess with serious sensible growers out there.

Defoliating works, with the right conditions and healthiest of girls and stress resisting strains capable of your technique.
Its Sense In The World Of Stupid. What do I mean? A door says closed and in small says leave closed its best this door is closed at all times. A Smart guy sees this and with sense does not open now a stupid senseless guy sees the sign n yet he opens amd finds a warm surprise. The moral is its wise to notdisturb thingsbecause its how it should be but when the stupid does the senseless and finds something great behind it. When we do something stupid that works im sure we all try again and if the results are similar we then adapt and speak of our find. The problem come when the smart guy is kike well its supposed to not do good (the should be closed so leave it) so why do it and find out its going to b good if we all know the science n listen that yeh its no good. Try and be siccessful and a different outlook will be achieved. Or when u witness a friend or aquaintance achieve what u thought not possible u will be more accepting. If you are not willing to try but argue to us all that know its not right to defol because of the science behind we need to also accept that chemicals and hormones change or react differently given different climates, situations, conditions etc...

Null you have every right to scream n shout in opposition, just remember that the likely hood is that when you if you have n im sure you have first ever supercropped a plant u where worried on the result even knowing what to expect (saying you knew) when u see the good or no problems after a while n after harvest you saw an increase in yield I bet you where even happier and still to this day may be supercropping all or most of your ladies, right? Same as defol except you want to argue that the science of it must be explained first n the complete know how to before u consider or accept the possibilities of it. In a world of mystery not all is explainable.

For anyone who wants to see a defol journal/grow I am currently doing a grow in which I will be defoliating 3 out of my 8 girls. Take A Look, Leave a Comment on ur thoughts or so.
It's humorous to read how this thread started, the initial responses, and the wealth of knowledge that has sprung here. In my small amount of experience... Defoliating isn't about wether to do it or not, it is about knowing how much to pluck, and where to pluck. My plant has taken to my defoliating very well. I just make sure that each flowering location still has leaves to do what they need to do. I believe it naturally occurs all the time (animals, weather, or any other forces). In PERSONAL OPINION I think it's unnatural for a plant to grow its entire life without some form of stress, stimulation, or outside force stripping it of some vegetation. I'm no master grower by any means... but I have noticed my lady (with lst) has really taken well to small amounts of well placed defoliation.
All conjecture and anecdotal evidence without any bonafide test done by a non-partisan, independent lab. When you've read one defoliation thread you've read them all, or, to put it another way.........

.....same ol shit just a different day.
if you poke out someones eye and now they can hear better, does that make them better? just because nature has ways to acomidate survival under less than ideal conditions doesnt mean we should create these conditions at least imo.
if you poke out someones eye and now they can hear better, does that make them better? just because nature has ways to acomidate survival under less than ideal conditions doesnt mean we should create these conditions at least imo.
I look at it more like cutting some hair or fingernails. There's a point where there's too much, but also a bit of cleaning up is always good. I can't help but wonder... what grower can produce an environment for their plants that is more "ideal" than Mother Nature. Sorry but that's another argument in itself but I'm pretty convinced that the plants evolved to the different ecosystems of the planet over millions if not billions of years. And the small window of time humans have been cultivating cannabis indoors are only a tiny dot in the timeline of cannabis evolution. Since were throwin analogies around, I view the way some of us "super-grow" our plants, as like a guy doing roids and getting really huge and cut. Some people would say steroids put the body in "ideal" condition. But the fact is the body wasn't made to put weight on like that and when the guy hits 40-45, he falls apart. Obviously there are MAJOR differences, but things have been evolving to do things a certain way over millions of years. Humans hop in and try to bridge gaps of 200,000 years with science and technology... We can't replace Mother Nature
Agree Ghost. All the nattering of opinion doesn't mean much, when the rest of us do experiments.

They say....Can improve or cannot improve, yet Mother Nature does not exist.

You can do experiments on yield vs quality, but if you get fine yield with great quality what possible difference do opinions make? :)
In nature when a monsoon hits where mj is growing wild, the plants will lose the largest of fans and go on to the production of bud.
I LST and when/if that comes to a point of failure then I thin them out a bit. Only fans from the main stalk that have developed shoots with fans.
If the plant is going to drop a leaf you are better to get it green for making binder. This will take some hands on experience before you can start making these types of decisions accuratly.
I thin out my moms because if I don't dead leaves will pile up in the center of them, much like what happens in a hedge. Better to get them green for binder also.
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I've seen 10ft plants fall over and actually super cropped naturally with all the nodes facing up and the stock laying on the dirt. my point is these types of plants were growing are very resilient and can adapt to whats not only happening with weather conditions, but also what may happen to the plant. leafs falling off, stems breaking, even falling completely over. these plants are survivors. take advantage of their traits and adapt them to your specific needs. when in doubt, keep it simple.