
yeah, those are
I've posted others you just don't see..... You're only looking to argue your side and not think outside your little mind.
As it's been said, it's easier to fool a person then it is to convince them they have been fooled.
Close minded people still think they are open minded. But they are not....
some nice trichs, but it has nothing to do with defoliation, thanks for contributing something to the thread that has nothing to do with the thread.
This was my first defoiliation attempt . Barney's farm liberty haze . I stripped her naked . Turned out to be my highest producing plant in the 4x4 . But I as well was joked and called stupid by all the WELL KNOWN Members on this forum who have doctrines in botany ! I tried . It worked . Simple as that . Now for reality . Defoiliation is more than likely strain dependent just like topping and nutrients etc . Everyone will argue without valid testing and pure ignorance of never attempting . It worked for me and I'll do it again. I however will not touch indicas because of very little leafs
Very little leafs to begin with . Sativas and hybrids that have quite a bit can in theory can shed more as well . So with all you on here that are against it you have your right of ignorance and everyone on here that doesn't mind trying different things for greater knowledge of each strain we can continue to develop better training techniques such as defoiliation . I did my liberty at week 2 . She blossomed for 7 weeks afterward and gave me an oz more than any other liberty in the tent . But call me stupid . I'll keep being stupid . In some cases it just works .
Oh... I thought we were posting random pics and then you add a nice story too. Mine (that's desert queen from NoMercy by the way) wasn't meant as an argument...

These defoliation discussions are getting old and lost their entertainment value for me... if you want to have the classic argument, I'm sure there are others still interested on going down that road with you.

I am curious though, since you mentioned Liberty Haze:

I did my liberty at week 2 . She blossomed for 7 weeks afterward and gave me an oz more than any other liberty in the tent
I've grown LH as well, great run on 3x4. Freakish high calyx to leaf ratio that it's hard to imagine removing leaves. They got swallowed by the buds in my case. At least not from the bud sites that is (they grew so tall I had to strip the bottom). What was your total score / gpw that run?
Did a thread on defoliation recently. There are many arguments and beliefs. I believe that a few important facts are overlooked. First, im against intentional harm to plants. Second, nobody has a right to judge the relationship between grower and his/her plants. I feel that if defoliation is a technique that produces more than a different technique then i dont see anything wrong with experiencing the technique as a grower and one who loves plant life. Thus if youve never tried you should take a seat. I just dont respect those who value the plant more than the planter. Peace!
You consider him a buffoon yet you buy his books? That makes a lot of sense.

Are you really this stupid ^^ ?

How would i know or come to the conclusion that Jorge is a buffoon without reading his book ?
I like to make "informed decisions"
it would seem you like to make uninformed rash decisions (your view on Muslims is a fine example)

it's funny you would think this way, it demonstrates your inherent ignorance, beautifully

After reading Jorges novel it was abundantly clear to me that Jorge has never grown weed hydroponically