
Garrett Richardson

Well-Known Member
hey guys want to know if you guys think I should take some leafs off this bushy plant or just let it go


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Here we go again!! Lmao. Why not title the thread trimming and pruning., That word DEFOLIATION is so controversial here., Why u don't define what u call DEFOLIATION., Actual definition is: Striping the plant of all foliage., Trimming and pruning it's actually doing maintenance to the plant clear up bud sites, lollipoping etc etc. Which one is it that u want to do?
Agree with Tupapa...........lst works a treat...........& the best grows ive seen have no leaves removed , except yellowing ones, there all there for a reason , ..........besides its going good ...........if its not broke , dont fix it
I meant as in a leaf or 2 here and there

WHY? It's not hardly in veg. You don't need to in bloom either!

Where in the world do you guys get the idea that removing leaves "helps" you gain anything?

Look son, grow the thing to half the size you want it to be when you harvest. Then change the lighting time to bloom the plant.
Now sit back and wait for the magic to happen. The plant will not finish in the "8 weeks" the breeder report say's. It'll go more like 10 and still don't harvest till you see some ambering in the trichomes.

NO removing leaves! Let the plant do it's job. BE PATIENT!

Now go sit in the corner and read Ed Rosenthal's book - Marijuana growers Handbook.....NO cheating! read the whole thing!

Non compliance will result in the appearance of a "Universal Exterminator" (seen below) that has not been repurposed. Please disregard it's chasing you around repeating "exterminate, Exterminate, EX-TER-MIN-ATE". Simply hold still and accept your fate. It'll be painless, I promise.

There now you have a real answer with free humor....
WHY? It's not hardly in veg. You don't need to in bloom either!

Where in the world do you guys get the idea that removing leaves "helps" you gain anything?

Look son, grow the thing to half the size you want it to be when you harvest. Then change the lighting time to bloom the plant.
Now sit back and wait for the magic to happen. The plant will not finish in the "8 weeks" the breeder report say's. It'll go more like 10 and still don't harvest till you see some ambering in the trichomes.

NO removing leaves! Let the plant do it's job. BE PATIENT!

Now go sit in the corner and read Ed Rosenthal's book - Marijuana growers Handbook.....NO cheating! read the whole thing!

Non compliance will result in the appearance of a "Universal Exterminator" (seen below) that has not been repurposed. Please disregard it's chasing you around repeating "exterminate, Exterminate, EX-TER-MINATE". Simply hold still and accept your fate. It'll be painless, I promise.

There now you have a real answer with free humor....
Look pops, I'm not a huge newbie to growing, I was told by someone to take 10% of leaves off every week, I know when to harvest, I'm not chomping at the bit lol! But thank you for the clarification
Look pops, I'm not a huge newbie to growing, I was told by someone to take 10% of leaves off every week, I know when to harvest, I'm not chomping at the bit lol! But thank you for the clarification

You asked a newbie question.. For newbie reasons.. LOL, all I had to do was look at the plant and I knew!

Your friend shouldn't be giving advise. He doesn't know what he's talking about!!

NO removing anything in veg!

No jokes in this post.
People on both sides are passionate about the subject. If you want to know about defoliation - do research and form an opinion based on the facts that both sides provide. I would never take one persons opinion. It's like getting a second opinion from another doctor. No pun intended.
Let's imagine for a second that humans can regrow parts., Ok lets say I'll chop both of your arms what will u do until u regrow useful ones?
If you want to know about defoliation - do research and form an opinion based on the facts that both sides provide. I would never take one persons opinion. It's like getting a second opinion from another doctor. No pun intended.

If you want to "know about defoliation" get a grasp on basic Biology and Botany. The concepts were worked out in the 1700's.

But be a pioneer and re-write basic botany