Deformed Leaf


Well-Known Member
Well I have a tiny plant starting to sprout and one leaf is doing fine and on the other side of the steam is the other leaf, which in any case is doing awful.

Its not even green doesn't look anything like a leaf, looks more like dirt and is starting to grow some type of white fungus looking hairs(atleast I hope its not a bug infestion) but with that leads me to my question.....

Should I take a pair of sissors and just cut it off?

My plant is still growing just that one leaf is the only infected thing not looking normal at all and I dont see any harm is cutting it off.... any oponions?


Well-Known Member
Pics? Sounds like mold. I RINSE my sprouts off after they pop out of the soil. Dirt on foliage is BAD!!!


Well-Known Member
Cant get any pictures right now, but I think your right I left the dirt on the foliage...if its mold what is my next step?


Well-Known Member
cutting the affected area off. sometimes its not mold tho. sometimes its just a weird mutation in the leaves. i had the first two sets of leaves grow abnormally and then the plant fixed itself. if it gets worse over time its mold. if the leaf stays the same shape and still grows fine then you have nothing to worry about unless it continues throughout the whole grow.


Well-Known Member
Ill give it some more time but it looks like its getting steadilty worse...if I cut off the leaf will a new one grow in its place?


Well-Known Member
Be sure to cut it before the bad spots, don't want to cut ON it, you could introduce the inner plant membrane to the mold or whatever and it could spread and kill the plant.

You could try citrus rind oil. Peel an orange, and your hands get covered with the essential oils(squeeze the rinds as much as you can to release them). Apply this with your fingers to the affected areas. It may very well kill any fungi/mold. Especially at full strength. It may also burn your leaf a little(pesticides in normal produce). Organic orange/lime/lemon/grapefruit would be best.


Active Member
and no leaf will grow exactly in its place. but they will grow if its still little. and be sure to go around the entire affected area if you do cut or prune it out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the info guys I went ahead and cut the infected spot off and hopefully the mold hasn't spread to far and wont stop my process...

Thanks everyone.