deformed leaves


what is most common reason for deformed leaves?
not my first grow no probs before.
previous grow was seed this one is clone?


Well-Known Member
Light stress causes spiraling leaves, when a plant is stressed, say from transplanting or whatever, they will start pushing deformed leaves, 3 leafed leaves, 4 leafed leaves, etc. When they start pushing normal leaves again, you know that your plant has recovered from the shock and should grow normally under normal conditions.


they went in on the 1st of the month so 2 weeks today. fed on 3rd water on 5th fed on 7th water on 9th u get the idea.
3 are on levington tomorite liquid tomato fertiliser npk 4-4.5-8
3 on bio bizz bio-grow npk 8-2-6
and one in middle plain water.
britta filttered water for all. ph between 6 and 7. miracle grow organic all purpose plant food npk 7-6-7 mixed in john innis multi purpose with botanico water retaning crystals.
the light is sunmaster dualspectrum 400w. and is 20 inch above. hours 18/6 the temp goes low as 62 and high as 80.
how do i add pics?


Well-Known Member
Are you checking the heaviness of your pots before you water? How much water are you giving them per feeding/ watering? I personally don't stagger feeding/water/feeding/water. I just feed and let it soak up all the nutrients and dry out then feed again. When your plants start drying up is when you get your roots to stretch out in search of water, you want to make them work a bit for their food and water.

Be sure to make sure your plants are almost completely dry before you water again. I don't have nor have I ever had any plants that accepted any water in any specific amount of time, but whatever they felt like. Some of mine drink a gallon in 2-3 days others are taking longer. Let them do their thing.


they went in on the 1st of the month so 2 weeks today. fed on 3rd water on 5th fed on 7th water on 9th u get the idea.
3 are on levington tomorite liquid tomato fertiliser npk 4-4.5-8
3 on bio bizz bio-grow npk 8-2-6
and one in middle plain water.
britta filttered water for all. ph between 6 and 7. miracle grow organic all purpose plant food npk 7-6-7 mixed in john innis multi purpose with botanico water retaning crystals.
the light is sunmaster dualspectrum 400w. and is 20 inch above. hours 18/6 the temp goes low as 62 and high as 80.
how do i add pics?
I just finished my first grow.
A. Don't use MG products.
B. Way too much light, way too close. The leaves are drying and over transpire, cannot suck enough water from roots. 100 watts hps is plenty or MH better.Put a temp gauge in one of the pots, bet it's getting too hot.
C. Over watering, over nuting.
D. Fox farm nutes are 6-4-4 I like that recipe for veg.
E. Keep your humidity 40-50%.
F. PH your water to 7, or between 6.9 to 7.0.
G. Don't forget to top dress or mix in garden lime at the rate of 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil.
H. Keep temps 76-78 degrees days, 70 at night. Anything above 80 or below 68 stresses the plant.(This is subject to some debate, Co2 can run 85 plus degrees, however I never let mine get above 80)
Anyone else care to comment? I'm not a genius but I'm getting there.


cheers johnd but i very much dout theres anything wrong with MG products as have always used it. temps not bad and light could be closer.
your right your not a genius.
ive been thinking it prob the nuts.
and the ph should be in the lower 6.


Active Member
Defo the nutes mate.. just straight up h20 for the time being well untill they start perking up..

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
if its in soil ph should be about 6.3 for both food and water, never move ph to adjust the medium run off. mg is at the bottom of the list for soil and food choices. its not meant for weed, its for tomatoes and have nothing to do with pot. doint add the lime unless the ph wont come back up on its own or it fuks the medium up....may go to high

your ph is fuked from what i see. check the run off for ph. and i bet you use a liquid tester meant to test pools and clear water....not with food.


ive used tomato food before and worked wicked so. who said i changed my ph and where did the lime comment come from.
but ur right about the tester yeah. but i britta filttered it so i know its ok.


Well-Known Member
MG is actually made for Flowers and is not meant for things that are being inhaled and consumed. If you are going to buy fertilizer, go with something organic, or specifically made for growing edibles. MG makes things big and pretty, but contains toxic metals and chemicals that are not meant for ingestion.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
sory the ph comment was to the other guys tewlling you to use 7 for a ph...way to high. no medium uses 7 for the type of plants we grow. using 7 wont allow the phos or potassium and others available to the plant.
brita filter isnt all you need...still needs to be ph to right number...if i read that right. the lime comment was just i see alot move the ph of what they feed or water with to fix the medium. that may cause ph imballance and possibly lock up that way. thats what buffered soil means..the lime will help keep it stable. it has lime and thats what moves the ph within the medium. some think ph buffered means no need to ph...thats wrong


sory the ph comment was to the other guys tewlling you to use 7 for a ph...way to high. no medium uses 7 for the type of plants we grow. using 7 wont allow the phos or potassium and others available to the plant.
brita filter isnt all you need...still needs to be ph to right number...if i read that right. the lime comment was just i see alot move the ph of what they feed or water with to fix the medium. that may cause ph imballance and possibly lock up that way. thats what buffered soil means..the lime will help keep it stable. it has lime and thats what moves the ph within the medium. some think ph buffered means no need to ph...thats wrong
oh right. cheers. and by the way how do u always know when someones useda pool or clear water tester?
are u sikick?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
becausae they are the most common tool that is sold to newer growers. and when i see ph issues its always cause of using those. if they used a real pen they know the exact number and not say...reads 6.5 to 7. need to be more accurate than that. those things shouldnt even be sold in hydro shops. with those you can never ever be closer than a .5. as thats as close as each scale reads. we need better than a .5. should be within .2 each time