Deformed Leaves


This is my first time grow. I have 3 snow white's in their 24th day of veg. I am using root soul synthetics grow every other day. The solo plant in the pic is 8 inches tall but has the most deformed leaves. Idk if this is a problem or not. Is it just a bad seed? The other 2 are 6 and 5 inches tall but look pretty nice. They are under a 175 w mh running 24/0 I am gonna veg for 10 more days. Then switch to 150 w hps and use root soul bloom then 2 weeks later combine with Atami bloombastic. So please tell me how I'm currently doing.



Well-Known Member
they look good, that leaf is nothing to worry about.. You said your feeding every other day? Your gonna end up over feeding them and get nutrient burn if you feed them that much. Also are you letting your soil completely dry out between waterings?


Well-Known Member
whats your temps? I looked at one closer and can see a tiny bit of heat stress on a couple of leaves, back your light off just a touch. Put your hand under the light and if your hand doesn't burn then your ladies will be fine


You recommend feeding them every other water? I will move them into bigger pots now. The top inch of the soil is atleast dry once I water them. Temps were around 79-81 degrees, then I moved them a little closer to the light, but i will back them off a bit. Thanks, much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
What food are you using? I only say that because your watering quite a bit, if they had to be watered say once a week then yes every watering but since your watering every other day then I would try every other watering. Along with the chance of overfeeding them you will probably get salt build up fairly quick by feeding that much if using any kind of chemical ferts


Well-Known Member
Once you get them into bigger pots then you won't have to water as much. Plus letting your soil dry out will cause your roots to "go searching for water" and in turn will build a better root system and overall you'll have a healthier plant