Deformed. Two plants..One thriving, one seriously confused


New Member
I received two Kali Mist seeds, courtesy of bud I picked up from a dispensary.
Not my ideal growing conditions, but doing my best with what I'm able to do.
These are 4 week seedlings. One has almost a perfect symmetrical leaf growth pattern... and the other, Is deformed to say the least.
Anyone know why this happens? And what I may be able to do to help?
Today I realized the deformed one is starting to attract aphids.. only a few right now and a problem I intend to handle. Poor little buddy isn't healthy enough to deter them on it's own.
Same growing conditions for both.
On a side not I believe the healthier one may have slight chemical burns, or is maybe exposed to too much direct sunlight?? Has gotten a couple dry spots over the last 3 days.
Thank you for any input!
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Grow it out and see what happens, I've seen some jacked up plants like that turn into some nice harvests.