SOS need help! Can not find cause/solution to sick plants.


Please help! Can’t seem to overcome some problems with my plants and after multiple days of hours and hours of research I cannot seem to find what is wrong with them.

To give you an idea of what I’m dealing with, first off this is my first grow that I am in charge of alone, don’t have much help because my bf and his dad are working full time, not only that but they are very stubborn and don’t really believe anything is wrong with them/don’t agree with me Phing the water and what not. So we are doing out door and have had problems with pests, we sprayed with this miticide a week ago and need to again. But we live up in norther Cali where the temperatures are now sky rocketing. I have started to ph the water which was a long process to understand on my own but I got it down and have tried using cal n mag to fix some of the sick plants but nothing seems to help. Most have shown sex but not all of them and we need to fix these issues so we can pick the best female and transplant them into these big bag containers.

First issue:

(Example in first picture)


First plant that showed signs was one of the seedlings, it had a few leaves that seemed like the middle vein didn’t grow as long as it should have, so it curled, almost like it was rolling in a ball. Then eventually all of that strain had either wrinkled leaves or some weird twist/contorting if the leaves. A few random plants of other strains also had this but it was mainly in the orange mojito which all 10 had it in different severities. When it was raining we did have them inside under a light but it’s been a while since then and a lot of the new growth is twisting up while the old leaves don’t get better or worse.

Second major issue:

(Example in second picture)

Light green spots/blotches/patches

First time I noticed this discoloration was in one of the wedding cake seedlings. Starting on the Single blade leaf Light green spots and blotches/patches showed up on the leaf. From then on pretty much every wedding cake seedling leaf had the discoloration noticeable in the new growth when it was pretty small then just progressing and getting worse completely covering some of the leaves. Used a cal n mag once and I thought it helped but I could have been wrong because later on nothing seemed to help or make it go away. A few plants from other strains started to have the discoloration on a few of their leaves accompanied by some other symptoms like leaf ‘taco’ing/leaf curl/wrinkling, but it didn’t consume the whole plant like it has in the wedding cake and this is the only abnormality on this strain other than the edges on a few of the older ones started to curl upwards.

(Example in third picture)

There’s a few other things like light green color in the middle of the new leaves but that is sort of new and weird yellow (almost burnt looking) spots on one or two plants but those are my bfs dads so idk what he’s doing with his.

Please help I’m so lost! Am I missing something or completely fucking up? I used azos a lot in the transplanting and beginning maybe that’s what caused it? Or a defeciency that I have tried yet? I only have the color ph tester but I’ve been watering it with the light green which says it’s around 6 when the hose water is like a dark green which could be 8.
They are in containers, at first I thought it was the soil because we used some old soil from last year for the first few plants, but soon after we bought some bags and all the plants that have had good soil have the same problems. And I’m trying to figure the uploading pictures thing, not sure if it’s my WiFi or I’m just too much of a noob.
This is the curling and twisting i mentioned 9A4E0A04-FC88-4613-A8E0-DCA072A9B03B.png6783829D-63A2-4395-8589-C3954924DC6A.png
This is the light green discoloring I mentioned.1B86C771-BC13-450C-A202-55028A1BF800.jpeg
This is the curling upwards of the edges, also a light green center which is new. image.jpg


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The light green one looks like it has powdery mildew bad so should be kept away from the others just in case.

The canoe one looks like it doesn't like the strong light. Was it recently moved outside? The new growth looks healthy and active.

Ms. Twisty might just be genetically inclined to grow that way but otherwise looks like the best of the lot and there is obvious physical damage to leaves on pretty much all of them.

Some of the problems may be from he spray used and did you make sure not to do that in full sunlight? That can mess them up.

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS . I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as many are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.

might be a fungus, I guess you could try a copper-based spray, to see if it does anything.
The favourite new plant to my stable is ugly and wrinkly too, but she makes a massive fucking cola
I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS . I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as many are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.

This is great! If you're on mac or linux run this to download them all into your current folder... (assuming you have wget installed)

Yes it has been pretty windy some days.

And about the fungus, could it be causing discoloration like that without there being something obvious on top of it? Or could the actual fungus be not visible but the affects are?

I found one picture online (first picture) that seemed to be as close to what I’m dealing with as I’ve seen, and there’s a small description of what caused it I’m thinking maybe it could be close to what is happening with my plants? Or maybe the soil isn’t good for them? It couldn’t be strain based since it’s in almost every strain.


Although the plants are doing a lot better with the wrinkling and curling issue, I still see it in new growth (3rd picture) and in other strains like our biggest one(4th picture) which is a clone that is a lot farther off than the rest, so it’s not as critical as it was a few weeks ago but I’d still like to figure out the cause for future grows and to possibly to help the progress of this grow. One more thing I noticed is the new shoots are bunching up almost and going straight up(2nd picture) is that normal because my other plants don’t look like that, the picture only shows a few but a lot of them look just like it.27FF0AC8-DF73-4E2B-8888-7DEA08F3DB09.jpeg

03205612-462A-4B8A-994C-40D584B55AA2.jpeg 3D7DE2EF-D061-448E-9E3D-0F00D7E6ED41.jpeg

Thanks for the advice everyone, I’ll try to be better about replying my WiFi hasn’t been working well at all I’m using my bfs hotspot rn. Also I might start a new thread for each problem I’m having to try and keep each focused on one issue, I’ll let you know if I end up getting time to do that.