Def's or worse??...or both???


Well-Known Member
My 2 Blue Mystic ladies aren't looking too good. My best guess is def's in NPK, as I have just changed from CFL to HPS and think i'm still not caught up with the new feeding needs. I thought I could detect a hint of a damp smell from the plants which wouldn't surprise me due to the packed bushy canopy. I'm trying to sort this by letting the soil dry out completely ,and increase the air flow.

The plants have yellowing leaves, with brown curling ends, and they become brittle and break off easy. Pale leaves is Nitrogen, and brown curling is Phosphorus I think. But could anything else be causing it?? One has been unhealthy for a while, and the other has just followed suite.

I've been growing for a year, and even my first grow was much better then this...can someone help me please?? :)

Biobizz light mix soil, Biobizz Feeds, in 10 litre buckets, under 250 HPS, in 2x2 tent with circulating fan and 4" extractor. Allowing for 5 days after flip to start flower, they are just starting week 4, and being fed 3ml per litre bloom, 1ml per litre veg, and 1ml per litre essentials, a 6.6ph



Active Member
How old are they? I let my mazar kush go much longer than I ever will again and as a result much of the lower growth looked
a lot like what you are going through. The guys at the hydro store told me it sounds like they were not getting enough light.
within a few days I found out they were right all the growth that couldnt get enough light just fell off and everything has
been great since then. IDK if this is the same problem you have but it just looks so much alike.


Well-Known Member
Don't think that it can be a light thing, cos even the lower leaves still get quite a bit of light due to my set up, and even the plant with hardly any leaves left is experiencing the same problem, and there is definitely plenty of light penetration there.

Thanks for the input though :)

Dr. Kundilini

Well-Known Member
My 2 Blue Mystic ladies aren't looking too good. My best guess is def's in NPK, as I have just changed from CFL to HPS and think i'm still not caught up with the new feeding needs. I thought I could detect a hint of a damp smell from the plants which wouldn't surprise me due to the packed bushy canopy. I'm trying to sort this by letting the soil dry out completely ,and increase the air flow.

The plants have yellowing leaves, with brown curling ends, and they become brittle and break off easy. Pale leaves is Nitrogen, and brown curling is Phosphorus I think. But could anything else be causing it?? One has been unhealthy for a while, and the other has just followed suite.

I've been growing for a year, and even my first grow was much better then this...can someone help me please?? :)

Biobizz light mix soil, Biobizz Feeds, in 10 litre buckets, under 250 HPS, in 2x2 tent with circulating fan and 4" extractor. Allowing for 5 days after flip to start flower, they are just starting week 4, and being fed 3ml per litre bloom, 1ml per litre veg, and 1ml per litre essentials, a 6.6ph
Hettyman, Your plants and mine are about the same age. Mine just finished 5wks in flower and they look a lot like yours as far as the yellow leaves. I think as the plant matures, the buds develop a sheath of fan leaves to carry on photosynthsis(sp), and the large fan leaves begin to turn yellow and fall. I have removed around 30+ fallen leaves in the past 10 days. It is hard to judge from a photo, but your buds look really good to me. If it is just big fan leaves, I would monitor the plants watching for any change in the buds, and not take any drastic measures. Hope you get it worked out.


Active Member
IMO sounds like youre not doing anything wrong,besides using that biobizz. i used that on a grow and all i had was problems(THE SAME ONES).
all the leaves falling off and dying not good and i dont like it ,well not for me. some growers say it good some growers say its not and im one that say its not for me. I don't think it is a complete nute and it takes to long to start working. If you ask me, I say switch nutes all together and use a synthetic one. Ive gotten much better results and can control what my plant is getting. These are my nutes now...the biobizz is just sitting on the shelf.



Well-Known Member
lol snap!! Well I have to say that up untill now, I have been pretty happy with BioBizz, and want to keep things more organic...just the way that I wanna do it lol. I'm not gonna give up on it yet, just need to be more generous with it I feel. I have some Hesi samples, but will prob give them to a mate, cos just seeing the horrble bright colours makes me not want to put them in my soil lol

I'm used to having nute def's in very late flower, but never this early. II think a lot of the problem is caused by over sized pots, I'm gonna go back to the 8 litre ones, they seemed far better suiited to my set up



Well-Known Member
If you have been feeding it is not any deficiency and more likely an overdose situation.
Thanks for the advice, but I have purposely been under feeding, as I'm scared of burning the roots. I have had burn before, and it doesn't look like it. So I am confident it's not burn.

The rapid leaf drop off makes me worry there is something worse wrong with my ladies :(
There is a lot said about biobizz on another site based in the uk.With bb around week 3 leaves start to turn yellow.The solution is to add some epsom salts to a gallon of water and that generally sorts things out.All the best with your grow mate!


Well-Known Member
There is a lot said about biobizz on another site based in the uk.With bb around week 3 leaves start to turn yellow.The solution is to add some epsom salts to a gallon of water and that generally sorts things out.All the best with your grow mate!
Thankyou. I thought Biiobizz Topmax was similar to epsom salts in purpose?
Personal experience(crap harvest)lead me to believe that top max is not worth a ball bag.But I dont think it is the same as epsom salts.Top max is a flower booster epsom is magnesium sulphate.If you wish to know where I found out about it pm me :)


Well-Known Member
Okay so here is what some people forget to mention;After a few weeks into flower depending on how its grown and the size some lower-middle leaves will yellow/brown and die because they are not needed anymore but the rest of the plant will look healthy.I'd be worried if i was this far and it wasn't happening.


Well-Known Member
Okay so here is what some people forget to mention;After a few weeks into flower depending on how its grown and the size some lower-middle leaves will yellow/brown and die because they are not needed anymore but the rest of the plant will look healthy.I'd be worried if i was this far and it wasn't happening.
Thanks, I'm used to some drop off, but this is really bad. The worst plan now has almost no fan leaves!!! However, I did see a vid where someone trimmed all his fan leaves as standard, to improve strength. To me that sounds a load of bull, but as I have room to let this plant finish, I guess I'll find out for myself :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'm used to some drop off, but this is really bad. The worst plan now has almost no fan leaves!!! However, I did see a vid where someone trimmed all his fan leaves as standard, to improve strength. To me that sounds a load of bull, but as I have room to let this plant finish, I guess I'll find out for myself :)
I got 2 plants doing this right now @almost 3 weeks of flowering but only small-medium sized leaves towards the bottom-middle but not new growth nor near bud sites.After some fell off my plants got bigger i guess they love the extra air they get.


Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone for all your help, I'll stop stressing and try and improve my feeding schedule on the next 2 ladies and top stressiing about it

Once again :clap:


Well-Known Member
Added epsom salts with water yesterday morning, and have had no more major leaf drop off and my plants just look healthier and have had a bit of a budd spurt, which was much needed. I wasn't expecting much difference that soon, due to take up time, but really pleased it seems to have helped... and better yet I know with my nest ones to expect to have cal mag def's at week 3 and catch it much earlier.

As always, much obliged to all you helpful RIU contributors


Well-Known Member
thanks you for your help scrog, and thank you as always for your avatar pic, however I added epsom salts yesterday morning, and things look better already (please refer to the post directly above yours lol) £1.20 I spent on the plants so far