Dehumidifier help


Well-Known Member
It can negatively affect the amount of resin in the trichomes. Also, if your buds are waving around and smacking into each other they are going to break all those precious trichs. I used to think that having air blasting on the plants was a good thing to keep refreshing the air around the boundary layer of the leaf but after asking a few more experienced growers how to increase potency, all of them said don't have fans directly blowing on the buds.


Well-Known Member
Ummm, I wasn't asking for your help dude. My shit is dialed and its not too hot. MY humidity is low because I want it low and therefore run the two dehumidifiers.
It has nothing to do with the temp of the room. If I shut the dehumidifers off then the temp stays the same but the humidity will quickly rise to the 60% range. I don't have an outtake, my shit is sealed tighter than a nuns cunt. Hence the issue of having to deal with humidity.

The point was, as your plants get older and larger they generally put more water vapor in the air. What might suffice now for humidity control may not in the near future. Thats it.
So you run two 60 pints in one room? What are your night time temps?
I was asking you shit. not helping. I grow a differnt way than you. I use fan coolers and 100% seal. You vent your lights out there for its not 100%.
I use ONE 60pint and my RH stays under 70%.
It all depends how much water your room can hold(HEAT) and how much water is in your room.
Two 60s will do a good job in winter i guess. But kinda overkill. So do you run them on timers or humidistat? I guess you can get away with running them in a room with vented lights. But i dont run mine in the day time cause at 30 my room is 50 %


Well-Known Member
I apologize but I thought you just seemed to making assumptions about my situation and some of them were not correct(like my room is not 100% sealed or that my humidity goes down because it is hot ).

Anyways, we are talking humidifiers and what not so here is the skinny. I have three 600 hoods on a light rail in a 12 x 8 room. MY SCROG screen takes up about 10X 7 of that room so its pretty fucking full of plants. Its not a fun place to "hang out". When my lights come on, it gets to 85 and those guys DRINK water big time and the humidity will quickly jump to 60-70% (warm air holds MORE moisture, not less).

My hoods are air cooled but the inlet for the hoods is OUTSIDE the room. All the hoods have insulation on them.
I control smell by running a CF as a "scrubber" not as a vent. This allows me to limit its use and prolong its life. ( i only run it in the last 2-3 weeks).
The room is "mostly" sealed but I do have a veg tent next door that has a 12" inline booster fan that runs 15/15 and exhausts into the basement. The veg tent and flower room are connected via a 10" duct. When the veg fan turns on, negative pressure is created and co2 laden air is sucked into the veg tent. This system runs 24/7 and also keeps night time temps from plummeting in the veg tent when lights are off. Obviously new air must come into the flower room but I only have a 4" louvered opening in the wall of the flower room. This, combined with "nooks and crannies" allows for cooler outside air to come into the flower room.
I am scrogging and veg for about 6 weeks. The plants are BIG. Typically water usage in flower is about 7-8 gallons a day.
I originally had a 50 pint in the room and it could barely get it below 50% humidity...ever. I suffered some bud rot last cycle (first time).
I purchased another 70 pint unit. Both units are plumbed to a condensate pump that collects and pumps out the water they collect so I have no idea on quantity per day but I do know I never have to empty those fuckers and they will never shut off because they are full. :)
The 70 pint runs non stop 24/7 the 50 pint is set up to turn on at 45 or 50%. My humidity never goes above 40% unless I foliar spray and then it only gets to about 50% for maybe an hour. sometimes both are running, sometimes they are not. The humidity stays around 38%.
Daytime temps max out at 85 degrees. I have a small window unit installed in the wall of the flower room. It is set at 82 degrees. (at that temp my canopy is at 85). Sometimes its on, sometimes its not.
My nightime temps are always around 78.

Please note that this is only for weeks 4-end of flower when I want LOW humidity. For the rest of the time I just let the humidty float around 60-70. The de-hus are set to come on at 65% so it doesn't get ridiculously humid and plants can't respire. I typically reduce my nute concentraation when I start the low humidity cycle as the plants are transpiring ALLOT of water which is great because the water and nutrients are flowing through the plant. Too high of a nute concentration could cause problems in that area.

ok? ok.