Dehumidifier Question


Well-Known Member
I am looking for a dehumidifier for less than $75 (tight budget) to control the humidity levels.

The room is 82 inches long x 26 inches wide x 87 inches high

Anyone got a link with an experience? I have seen that stores like target,walmart sell these online, just not sure what to get

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
welll my boy just got two for his 2x2x8 room and the first one didnt do anything really so he got another one a bigger didnt do anything tried it in another part of his house and it works just there was not enough in the room to get anything. So i was going to say what kinda humidity levels are you getting you might not need one. I was thinking of getting one but i dont know now. I saw some good deals on ebay, target, homedepot, walmart but save your box and reicpet just incase it does not work to take it back. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Just get whatever one you can afford.

They all do the same thing, I have a Maytag that works really well and I actually have to change the resevoir every couple of days.

I actually built a little box that attaches to the in port and I have sucking air out of my grow room.

Fan is actually really powerful!

They are pretty basic, Wal Mart should have a decent one for $75.

Mine was $115



Well-Known Member
cheapest way is to go to your grocery store and buy a bucket of 'damp rid' it takes out the moisture in the air. and if it is taking too much out, put the lid on a little bit or put it outside of your grow room. they work damn good. cheap as fuck too


Well-Known Member
no they don't and they're not cheap to maintain either. get the dehumidifier, a small one will last you a lifetime, I bought a used one 20 years ago for $30 still works fine.

somebodys a dick. ive used one plenty of times and they DO work great. its a good, CHEAP ( rid&scinit1=damp rid ), and temporary solution. 20 years ago $30 was a lot more. u dont even know how damp rid can work with grow rooms cause uve been using a dehumidifier for the last 20 years. u can buy plenty of refills before you will spend that anyways. now stick your dick back in the toaster, dick.

now if you need it constantly just get a dehumidifier cause itll work for a lot longer like the dicks humidifier that lasted 20 years. i use damp rid about twice a year when the humidity gets too bad here and it will raise the humidity too high in my room. if it ever gets too low i just put a bucket or 2 of water and put it in there till i get the humidity i need. cheap, simple and they dont use electricity. the rest of the time its pretty constant.