Dehumidifier suggestions ?


Active Member
Need suggestions for dehumidifier for a 12x8 ft room that MUST be compatible with an inkbird controller. My dehumidifier that I have turns off but not on with it, you have to turn it on manually which is so fuckimg annoying as I can’t use it now.
So to clarify need suggestions that are tryed and tested with inkbird. Thanks in advance
They usually say in the features auto restart after power outage. I have like 5 diff ones and they all work like that.

If you got extra cash to blow a quest is the way to go.
Yep exactly. I was running 3x70 pints pulling almost 20 amps and running 1800 watts or so. Ended up getting a 240v quest that does the same job and pulls 4 amps
Yep exactly. I was running 3x70 pints pulling almost 20 amps and running 1800 watts or so. Ended up getting a 240v quest that does the same job and pulls 4 amps
I'm still waiting to get the quest units. I need a few of them. What size units did you go with to replace the 3x70 pint unit's?
I think it was the dual 180 running at 240volts. Thing was crazy expensive but I needed to spare the amperage plus it's cheaper to run cuz it's way more efficient
Y do u need a controller? Just set the dehu for 55% or whatever and let it run. Why complicate things?
I was doing that but I’m switching to a sealed room so I can run co2 cyclinders I want my VPD perfect and the controller will give that. Don’t wana have to go in there and turn it off or on or change setting etc and let all my co2 escape
I swear, some of yall make shit way harder and spend way more money on shit...

Not gonna argue with saving money but unless you have a top quality product I wouldn't depend on the cheap sensor in any dehumidifier or humidifier. They're usually way off. Same with heat sensors.
I also like the inkbird because it can kick on a humidifier if the conditions warrant it, though I am finding I don't utilize that very much with my current setup. It's more a matter of keeping the humidity low enough when I've got a full tent of plants.