
Definitely not the planet, certainly the possibility is there for other humans to exert influence in such matters.

I certainly see coincidences as self-evident. Perhaps you could elaborate on what you mean by that. I see it as merely two or more events coinciding. You seem to have belief in predestined fate? If I understood correctly.

I became an atheist around the age of 5(though I didn't know what an atheist was until much later). My parents raised my brothers and I as Mormon(LDS). We attended church until I was around 6 or 7. I haven't attended Mormon services since the age of 8(when I was baptized). My mother is now a 'Universalist'. My father is deceased.

I would appreciate a verifiable(tangible, physical, etc.) comparison, or at least some context for your claim of simplicity. I don't understand this claim or your explanations thus far pertaining to it.

Do you not answer to justice? The laws of man? The laws and/or norms of society? Do you answer to yourself?

I believe true love requires the inability to hate. I don't see Hitler being conquered as love, nor do I see genocide as love, nor do I condemn, nor condone the actions thereof. I do see it as hate. A hateful man's philosophy conquered by even greater hate for him.

There is no love in murder. For example, my father was on oxygen and various medications for years before his death, and he had smoked for over 50 years of his life. When he was unable to obtain his own cigarettes, due to progressively limited mobility, my brothers or myself would go to the store and buy them for him. I consider that love, fulfilling his petty desire. It is his body. I never put the cigarettes in his mouth. He lived and died by his own free will. Who am I to judge?

I don't think, in this circumstance, inaction would have been love. Though I think we're seeing inaction a bit differently. Choosing to not react to petty insults/comments is an action -a choice. I mean more along the lines of inaction as failing to act upon your love. When you desire to act, but are unable, unwilling, scared, what have you. While choosing not to escalate a situation with non-loving actions is entirely different. This seems more like indifference to me. You could certainly choose to reply to harsh words with loving words instead of calling someone's actions retarded, for instance.

Deism is certainly not Christianity. Christianity is much more monolithic. While Deism is certainly more individualistic.
Definitely not the planet, certainly the possibility is there for other humans to exert influence in such matters.

I certainly see coincidences as self-evident. Perhaps you could elaborate on what you mean by that. I see it as merely two or more events coinciding. You seem to have belief in predestined fate? If I understood correctly.

You said it yourself, do not believe tradition as they've been held. Is it not fair to assume that hatred and evil on the part has been created milleniums ago?

We facilitate and stretch acts of love, because they are a form of symbolism.

Marriages for example, is a tradition of love.

I do not believe in a predetermined fate. I believe that there are only certain paths a human will follow.

As in a forest, there are trails and paths, some less traveled and some you will see people on everyday.

But some people on the planet blaze their own trails, of course. However, the masses will not, because we are simplistic human beings.

Some just would like to leave a simple happy life and I have great respect for that, we can talk all day on this issue, let's take another angle.

I became an atheist around the age of 5(though I didn't know what an atheist was until much later). My parents raised my brothers and I as Mormon(LDS). We attended church until I was around 6 or 7. I haven't attended Mormon services since the age of 8(when I was baptized). My mother is now a 'Universalist'. My father is deceased.

I was raised Catholic. Baptized, communized and confirmed as a brother of the Catholic Church.

I still love my father because even though I don't agree with his religion, I can see his actions are truly of love.

I would appreciate a verifiable(tangible, physical, etc.) comparison, or at least some context for your claim of simplicity. I don't understand this claim or your explanations thus far pertaining to it.

You are thinking too hard.

Do you not answer to justice? The laws of man? The laws and/or norms of society? Do you answer to yourself?

I answer to justice of course, there are laws I respect, but laws are not 100% wisdom. And everyone hears their conscious, but some of us don't follow it at all times.

I believe true love requires the inability to hate. I don't see Hitler being conquered as love, nor do I see genocide as love, nor do I condemn, nor condone the actions thereof. I do see it as hate. A hateful man's philosophy conquered by even greater hate for him.

You said it yourself, TRUE love, and I emphasize in TRUE.

The Soldiers who died In World War II conquering hitler had a love for their families, friends, and kids they see in their neighborhood. They had enough love to want to advance their way of life.

Buddhist love would not have conquered Hitler. Of course if Hitler had conquered the world. It would have taken milleniums for the world to reach enlightenment over the deal. But so many innocents would have died.

There is a balance on planet earth.

There is no love in murder. For example, my father was on oxygen and various medications for years before his death, and he had smoked for over 50 years of his life. When he was unable to obtain his own cigarettes, due to progressively limited mobility, my brothers or myself would go to the store and buy them for him. I consider that love, fulfilling his petty desire. It is his body. I never put the cigarettes in his mouth. He lived and died by his own free will. Who am I to judge?

I don't think, in this circumstance, inaction would have been love. Though I think we're seeing inaction a bit differently. Choosing to not react to petty insults/comments is an action -a choice.

Love is diverse, both inaction and your actions are forms of love. If you had a sister, she would probably have not given him cigarettes. Boys have a better connection to their father. But I'm not here to judge you. You loved your dad.

You could certainly choose to reply to harsh words with loving words instead of calling someone's actions retarded, for instance.

That is where human simplicity comes in, we are controlled by our emotions sometimes. Even Buddhists.

I don't believe I was harsh. Even I say stupid things sometimes and I don't have a set opinion of people. I would still smoke a blunt with Volcanus.

I have brothers and friends who call me fuckin stupid and tell me on the spot when I do retarded things, and depending on the context of their tone, I consider this brotherly love. If they were not brothers, they'd shut up and just gossip like women behind my back.

Deism is certainly not Christianity. Christianity is much more monolithic. While Deism is certainly more individualistic.

Deism I believe in part, is respecting and loving ALL of God's creations.