delayed flowering ?

Hello everyone this is my first post. I cannot find any other postes that deal with my problem. I have read, cover to cover, medical marijuana bible and cannibis cultivation and connot find any mention of this problem. Ok here we go. I started 5 afghan seeds in april. Two males three female killed off the men. I planted outdoors at the begining of May. Location was not ideal, the plants got about 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. They grew well but sparse becouse of lack of direct sunlight. Every thing I read about Afghan states early bud maturity around end of August. Well at the end of August there was no flowering taking place so I took cuttings to clone. The cuttings cloned 100% . In just 10 days all were ready to be planted in soil. Fox farm ocean forest . The new plants were then put on 12/12 cycle. It has been at least 6 weeks since 12/12 and they will not start budding. The plants look beautiful but they are getting to big. Does anyone know or have any idea why they are not flowering. Please help!


Active Member
If you took clones from an outdoor plant that was showing no signs of flowering in august, what would make you think they would flower indoors? And just because they werent flowering doesnt mean thd clones didnt have to revert back to veg.


New Member
maybe you need to give them some open sesame or give em more pk than nitrogen for flowering. i did that my plants started to flower within a week outside. i was in the same boat you are in. i planted in a site that had maybe 8 hours of direct sunlight....its only 14 inches tall....but its fully budding..
Thanx for all the responses. I dont have a digital camera and I am not all that computer savy but I will try to use my cell for pics. Any advice on how to do that is appreciated. There is absolutely no light leaks. There has been preflowers for 12 weeks now. I have been using Fox Farm flowering nutes for 6 weeks now. I guess I figured that the plants are mature enough to show their sex and have been for 3 months so when introduced to 12/12 light cycle indoors they would start flowering in 2 to3 weeks max. Is it common for clones to revert back to veg even though the light cycle has stayed 12/12. This didnt happen with my first grow. I had a mother I grew from seed 24/0 cycle and pulled clones 1 every 2 weeks for 8 weeks and all started flowering 2 weeks into 12/12 after only 2 weeks of veg from clone.
The outdoor plant is just now starting to flower but it snowed here yesterday. So I dont expect to harvest anything from them.
Hey cadenely I am thinking you are probably correct with the plants going back to veg. Good call. If that is what happened how long do you figure it will be to start the flowering stage as of now?