delete my account urgently


Well-Known Member
Samezies! I want to delete my account right this second! I have fallen victim to the rules! I had the chance to read them, but was so anxious to expose my deep dark "drug" secrets that i couldn't help myself. I signed up for a cannabis forum and am regretting it. I didn't think this through. What was I thinking? The coppers are watching me now! Obammer is about to bring down the hammer on my cherry ass, and I am so much huge big time that the ciafbideafema are staring directly at me, and i am certain of it! Please help me immediately, I'm so super serious you guys this is urgent! right now kinda urgent, like yesterday ok.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
^^^^^ all the last posts.
So true.
We have lost our 'Freedom Of Speech' under the current administration.
Gone but not forgotten.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
futurama first episode,
be it a tattoo, ip, phone number,facebook account.....
They know who you are, and you offered the info for free.



Well-Known Member
LOL, now the first amendment?
WTF, you distract from the subject every time your panties get in a bunch.
so which amendment was freedom of speech now? :dunce:

don't forget how you said you lost freedom of religion because of birth control, princess. that fucking happened as well.

now stop dancing and support your ludicrous assertion.


Well-Known Member
its not strange we've NEVER deleted accounts. policy. anyone can argue until their blue in the face and we won't do it.
I think im in Girl-Love!

Sunni - She just so Tough!

So In-Ya-Face!

Get Told People Get Told!!!!!!!!!!!!!

x ;) x