deleting account


Well-Known Member
But I just smoked and bowl and I think they are watching me...I read that they can see you through your computer monitor! Oh man, make it stop!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by fdd2blk
i stated way back in the beginning, "accounts cannot be deleted". i understand your position. if there is a "valid security compromise" then you can pm rollitup and he may help you. if it's legit. we get people all day long wanting to change names and accounts. if we let one person do it everyone will. what would happen if all the sudden i was "misterpickle"? i think it would confuse people. :razz:

all account deletions or name changes must go thru rollitup, the actual person. :razz::weed:

hope this helps. :leaf:

can i get my name changed to misterpickle.......


New Member
If he only has one post, what does it matter? Everytime I think we've reached the end of stupidity, someone else comes along and amazes me. :roll:


Well-Known Member
I also would like to know, why would you set up an account and have your fist post be about deleting the account? This makes no sense..........
i would like to think that the poster was able to get every answer to every question by looking at the grow faq and the search without asking if his halogen headlights he stole from a car in his local shopping mall would work so + rep to that guy or girl who was able to get all the info needed without ever posting, + rep i say!