"i ordered ... thc bomb from mjseeds.nl ... wondering why they are so cheap. "
There's often no rhyme or reason to pricing - You can get
Jack The Ripper by
Subcool for $40 USD and it will take your head off after 8 weeks flower, or pay hundreds of dollars for beans from a crap breeder with a fancy web site or just ridiculous claims.
mjseeds.nl is a UK company so they have less LEO pressure than North American breeders, more competition. Prices are usually lower in Europe.
As well, they seem like a no-name breeder with their own distribution web site, or a distribution web site who buys no name or surplus seeds. I didn't see the name of any other breeders listed, we have no idea of quality consistancy if they get beans from different breeders.
Bubblegum is listed as an F1 - it's an IBL from Indiana I believe, with Serious and TH taking the same genetics and one inbreeding to the indica side and the other the Sativa. MJ.nl on the other hand has a
"Stoned Indica high" WTF does that mean? Covering all the bases of what different people might want while saying nothing. So do they have the Indiana genetics or are they making their own F1 that resembles the legend?
They may be great beans but they have cagey advertising.
"they claim that thcb has the highest yields out there what do you think?"
Very doubtfull, but I'm sure it's a big yielder. Lots of breeders claim a strain with the highest yield. Check out
Heavy Duty Fruity, big yielder too but neither strain says how they were vegged, what lights, what nutes ...
"does f1 mean that yield will be better."
No. F1 just means that the plant is first generation from parents of different strains. For example,
White Russian is an F1 cross of the parents
White Widow X AK47. Every time Serious breeds new WR they use the WW x AK47 parents, not WR x WR - which would produce F2 seeds and most likely less stable in terms of sexual stability and other traits.