Democrat, Anthony Rendon, just shelved single-payer in California

"Until Rendon’s move, things seemed to be looking up for Democratic single-payer proponents in deep blue California, which has been hammered by insurance premium increases. There, the Democratic Party — which originally created Medicare — just added a legislative supermajority to a Democratic-controlled state government that oversees the world’s sixth largest economy. That 2016 election victory came as a poll showed nearly two-thirds of Californians support the creation of a taxpayer-funded universal health care system in a state whose population is roughly the size of Canada — which already has such a system.

Since 2012, Rendon has taken in more than $82,000 from business groups and healthcare corporations that are listed in state documents opposed the measure, according to an International Business Times review of data amassed by the National Institute on Money In State Politics. In all, he has received more than $101,000 from pharmaceutical companies and another $50,000 from major health insurers.

In the same time, the California Democratic Party has received more than $1.2 million from the specific groups opposing the bill, and more than $2.2 million from pharmaceutical and health insurance industry donors. That includes a $100,000 infusion of cash from Blue Shield of California in the waning days of the 2016 election — just before state records show the insurer began lobbying against the single-payer bill.

In addition to the money given to Rendon, the groups opposing the single-payer measure have delivered more than $1.5 million to Democratic assembly members since the 2012 election cycle. In all, the 55 Democratic members of the 80-seat Assembly have received more than $2.7 million from donors in the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries in just the last three election cycles.

Complicating matters for this year’s single-payer bill was the fact that the pharmaceutical industry had just spent more than $100 million to defeat a 2016 ballot measure in California aimed at lowering drug prices. The wave of money was a powerful reminder that major industries opposed to single-payer have virtually unlimited resources to spend against California’s Democratic incumbents in the next election if those Democrats ultimately try to pass a bill."

Full article at IBTimes

If Rendon didn't support the bill in its current form, why didn't he choose to debate the issues he has with it instead of shelve it until after 2017?
"Rendon announced late Friday afternoon that the bill, Senate Bill 562 by state Sens. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) and Toni Atkins (D-San Diego), would not advance to a policy hearing in his house, making it all but certain the measure will not be acted upon this year.

“SB 562 was sent to the Assembly woefully incomplete,” Rendon said in a statement. “Even senators who voted for SB 562 noted there are potentially fatal flaws in the bill, including the fact it does not address many serious issues, such as financing, delivery of care, cost controls, or the realities of needed action by the Trump administration and voters to make SB 562 a genuine piece of legislation.”"

Tell me more about how Democrats support single payer...

If I can and choose to pay for private insurance, I want the choice to do so.
Why the fuck wouldn't you want Universal Health Care? Health insurance should be a fundamental right, and most developed, first world countries pretty much look at us as unevolved and behind the times because we don't have single payer health care. Have you checked your doctor's bill? Ever see what they charge you for an IV of electrolyte fluid? It's pretty fucking ridiculous. Medical care shouldn't be about turning a profit, especially turning a profit over the focus of providing health care and improving the quality of life.

People want universal healthcare. People including Trump. The issue is with what will happen when one state opens up it's healthcare and people from out of state take advantage of it, let alone the cost for tax payers. If funding wasn't squandered citizens could and should enjoy having healthcare covered.
Nobody gives a fuck anymore, I guess. Let them starve...

Hell of a way to treat a fellow American, isn't it?
That's a hell of a way to treat a fellow human.. Denying someone access to healthcare because they can't pay for it is nothing short of inhumane imo. There are dying people begging for help all across the country, people terrified they're not going to be able to afford the medical care that keeps them alive if the AHCA passes. Literally innocent people being sentenced to death by no fault of their own so that rich people can make rich people even richer after an already catastrophic wealth and income inequality problem we've been facing for decades...

There is no justification for that kind of evil