Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

All those racists that voted for Obama that chose to vote for Trump instead of Clinton based on his populist economic message

Racist as fuck
People who voted for Trump were neither poor nor were they prompted to vote for Trump due to economic anxiety. This is a well documented fact and has been discussed here before.
Trump only gained about 45% of the vote. This is very close to the proportion of people in this country who are racist. I realize this upsets your world view but you might as well accept that it's true. It's neither healthy nor useful to base a world view on falsehoods.
Yet just a few short years before, Obama was elected over a white male in a landslide.

It's neither healthy nor useful to base a world view on falsehoods.
Why would a racist Trump supporter vote for Obama?
You'd have to ask them. Unlike you, I don't claim to be able to read the minds of others.

I'm just saying that it has been clearly documented that Trump was elected by people who were influenced by his racist and sexist statements and policies, not economic ones.

No other politician, Republican or Democrat drew people with racist attitudes to vote for him like Trump did. Not Romney, McCain, Bush, Obama or Kerry. Just Trump in 2016. I'm stating the facts, not trying to read the minds of racists.
Yet just a few short years before, Obama was elected over a white male in a landslide.

It's neither healthy nor useful to base a world view on falsehoods.
Its well documented by very good studies. The falsehoods are yours. People were not influenced by "parties are the same" or campaign finance corruption or economic issues. These were not nearly as important as how mainly white people responded positively to Trump's racist and sexist speech.
I quoted results from very good studies that show about 45% of the people in this country are racist. Not hard core wear a robe type of racism, just every day white racism that doesn't accept the idea that minority groups experience hardship due to skin color.
Its well documented by very good studies. The falsehoods are yours. People were not influenced by "parties are the same" or campaign finance corruption or economic issues. These were not nearly as important as how mainly white people responded positively to Trump's racist and sexist speech.
The idea that Mrs Clinton didn't represent change is just so totally alien to you that you can't accept it, so instead you jump through all sorts of crazy hoops to come up with alternate explanations.

The idea that Mrs Clinton didn't represent change is just so totally alien to you that you can't accept it, so instead you jump through all sorts of crazy hoops to come up with alternate explanations.

The election didn't turn on Clinton not representing change from Obama. It turned on Trump's appeal to racism and sexism. Also the natural advantage the party out of power has after a president serves two terms.

Your caps lock key is on. Just so's you know.
The election didn't turn on Clinton not representing change from Obama. It turned on Trump's appeal to racism and sexism. Also the natural advantage the party out of power has after a president serves two terms.

Your caps lock key is on. Just so's you know.
You have failed to answer the question every time I've posed it. I put it in caps so everyone else can watch your mental gymnastics and you didn't disappoint.
The idea that Mrs Clinton didn't represent change is just so totally alien to you that you can't accept it, so instead you jump through all sorts of crazy hoops to come up with alternate explanations.

People like limp dick voted against her because they feared the change she represents.
Nope, this is fact. It is well documented and has been discussed here before, with links to very good studies on this subject. Trump won mainly on the racist and sexist vote and there is always an advantage to the party out of power at the end of a two term presidency. I'm repeating very well documented facts.
I like how you state this as fact, without a single link to a reputable source confirming your self-proclaimed "fact."

Just more centrist hot air.
Maybe you're the compete idiot if you believe there is a significant difference.

Watch what they DO, rather than what they say.
THANK YOU!!! What anyone says, at any time, anywhere, is without meaning.

Actions, all you indoctrinated, centrist sheeples (not you Tys), are ALL that matter.

Need to quit listening and start observing. #Morons.
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You have failed to answer the question every time I've posed it. I put it in caps so everyone else can watch your mental gymnastics and you didn't disappoint.
I keep saying. The election was close because the election turned on racists and sexists who supported Trump in an extraordinary way. This is in fact a minority in the US and so it came down to where the minority lived, which is not the more populated portions of the US. Also Trump's party got a bump because the electorate tends to vote for the party out of power at the end of a two term presidency. Hence, a minority president won through our archaic electoral college.

This is all well documented and not an opinion of mine but facts gathered from very good studies.
I keep saying. The election was close because the election turned on racists and sexists who supported Trump in an extraordinary way. This is in fact a minority in the US and so it came down to where the minority lived, which is not the more populated portions of the US. Also Trump's party got a bump because the electorate tends to vote for the party out of power at the end of a two term presidency. Hence, a minority president won through our archaic electoral college.

This is all well documented and not an opinion of mine but facts gathered from very good studies.
Either cite the studies or shut the fuck up. You're blowing many BTUs of hot air, but you haven't proven a thing. Link or STFU. Centrism is Nazism.
I like how you state this as fact, without a single link to a reputable source confirming your self-proclaimed "fact."

Just more centrist hot air.
You haven't been privy to the endless discussions here. They have already read an earlier post of mine and know that I don't make empty claims, old man.

Here is a very good paper regarding a study about the role of racism and sexism played in Trump's win.

It pretty much destroys the claim that Trump's win had anything to do with his economic policies and everything to do with racist and sexist bias among white people. Mostly white boomers like you.