Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

You're one of those people who says beating Trump is the number one goal

If it truly was, you would unify under the progressive umbrella

You don't, though..

I don't believe your number one goal is beating Trump
i just don't see any advantage to unifying with someone like you who calls people "f***ots", says black people have a herd like mentality, questions the legitimacy of sexual assault claims, is a proponent of "men's rights" and says more is expected of him because he is white and male.

perhaps you could tell me why i would want to unite with a racist, homophobic, sexist bigot like yourself?
I still see both sides of the coin... Ousting trump must be our uniting force. If we are in disagreement on the how to's thats fine. But then we have serious discussion on how to reach unity on that particular issue without the blaming and personalizing the attacks...

If we cant blend somehow, and that doesnt have to be completly homogeneously, then we will reduce our side to the effectiveness of todays GOP... the tea party split em, probably forever and maybe into two parties. We must learn from their mistakes and not emulate them, we cannot afford that...
I understand what you're saying; that we're both in a weaker position moving forward un-unified, but the ball is not in my court on this one. I've set my cards on the table and offered my conditions. If the Democratic establishment opposition is unwilling to accept them based on the terms I've provided, then both of us are going at this alone and seeing who comes out on top. I'm extremely confident in my position. I don't believe I need people like Buck or Fogdog to win. I know they need progressives on their side to win. They won't win unless we unify with them, that's why they're begging us for it. We will cruise through elections and probably not win all of them, but we'll definitely win some of them, maybe even a majority. Justice Democrats are running 29 candidates in 2018. We're going to see who's right and who's wrong very shortly..
They won't win unless we unify with them, that's why they're begging us for it. We will cruise through elections and probably not win all of them, but we'll definitely win some of them, maybe even a majority. Justice Democrats are running 29 candidates in 2018. We're going to see who's right and who's wrong very shortly..
It doesn't matter. The visigoths are in the WH, the House and Senate, and the SCOTUS. Another 10 years, the Balkanization of the US will begin. I might even live to see a bit of it. I hope so. Hell, I hope to get to kill some right-wingers, before all is said and done. Some centrists, too. Even more centrists.
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go start your own party. no way you can lose since you have the most popular person ever fronting it.
The Democratic and Republican establishment have essentially ensured 3rd party candidates can't threaten their monopoly on political power by enacting rules that prevent them from sanctioned debates or from federal funding since Perot did so well.

The only reason you would promote the idea of the Sanders faction of the Democratic party starting their own party is because you feel threatened. And you should. Because if you don't get on board with our progressive message, you won't win federal elections. You need us, and you know it. Without us, Trump and the Republicans will continue to win. So like I said, put up or shut up. If beating Trump is really your goal, support a progressive platform. Universal healthcare, a living wage, etc. And oppose the Democrats who don't. If you don't, enjoy losing.
The Democratic and Republican establishment have essentially ensured 3rd party candidates can't threaten their monopoly on political power by enacting rules that prevent them from sanctioned debates or from federal funding since Perot did so well.

The only reason you would promote the idea of the Sanders faction of the Democratic party starting their own party is because you feel threatened. And you should. Because if you don't get on board with our progressive message, you won't win federal elections. You need us, and you know it. Without us, Trump and the Republicans will continue to win. So like I said, put up or shut up. If beating Trump is really your goal, support a progressive platform. Universal healthcare, a living wage, etc. And oppose the Democrats who don't. If you don't, enjoy losing.

i support a progressive message, i do not support your message. by your message, i mean things like calling people "f***ots", saying black people have a herd like mentality, questioning the legitimacy of sexual assault claims, being a proponent of "men's rights" and saying more is expected of you because you are white and male.

like i said, go take your MOST POPULAR EVER leader and start a third party. no room for you in the progressive, liberal democratic party, bigot.
i support a progressive message, i do not support your message. by your message, i mean things like calling people "f***ots", saying black people have a herd like mentality, questioning the legitimacy of sexual assault claims, being a proponent of "men's rights" and saying more is expected of you because you are white and male.

like i said, go take your MOST POPULAR EVER leader and start a third party. no room for you in the progressive, liberal democratic party, bigot.
You support a Democratic establishment message, not a progressive one. You should recognize the distinction.

While you criticize me for things I've said that have been taken out of context, the policies you actually support ensure POC, minorities, and women continue to suffer the most.

I support progressive policies and politicians that would help them the most, you support establishment policies and politicians that keep the status quo going, that serve to keep the traditional barriers in tact, like continuing the war on drugs.
you criticize me for things I've said that have been taken out of context


how is it possible to take this out of context when you questioning the legitimacy of a sexual assault was literally your entire message?

Screenshot 2017-10-24 at 10.50.12 PM.png

and what is the proper context for you calling someone a "f****ot"?

how is it possible to take this out of context when you questioning the legitimacy of a sexual assault was literally your entire message?

View attachment 4032447

and what is the proper context for you calling someone a "f****ot"?
There have been entire threads devoted to answering those questions. You choose not to quote/cite them because they destroy your nonsense premise out of the gate.

This post of yours further proves that point. So, thanks for playing.

You can't stick to substance because substance proves your lies

You wouldn't have to lie if what you said held any truth

So keep talking. The more you talk, the more you expose yourself. Everything you say can be subjectively verified
I still see both sides of the coin... Ousting trump must be our uniting force. If we are in disagreement on the how to's thats fine. But then we have serious discussion on how to reach unity on that particular issue without the blaming and personalizing the attacks...

If we cant blend somehow, and that doesnt have to be completly homogeneously, then we will reduce our side to the effectiveness of todays GOP... the tea party split em, probably forever and maybe into two parties. We must learn from their mistakes and not emulate them, we cannot afford that...
This is exactly the time to debate and argue.
"Give us Bernie or we'll give you Trump"
All you do by spamming this phrase is show your ignorance; more Sanders supporters voted for Clinton than Clinton supporters voted for Obama. 9% of Democrats voted for Trump.. Trump won based on selling a populist economic message..

Somehow, "Give us Clinton or we'll give you McCain!" didn't catch on because Obama wasn't such a weak enough candidate to deploy it.. He carried the Democratic vote without needing to resort to his opponents voters.. because he sold a progressive message on healthcare..

Blaming Bernie for Clinton's loss is nothing but sour grapes. Maybe you should support the progressive platform if you don't want the bitter taste in your mouth?
"give us Bernie or we'll give you Trump"
You don't want to beat Trump

You want to beat progressives so establishment Democrats can continue to accept corporate donations

This is the single most important task of the Democratic Party. If they fail, they die.

I for one hope to be tap dancing on their grave by 2024.
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