Democratic Socialsm


Well-Known Member
"socialism, or a modified form of socialism, achieved by a gradual transition by and under democratic political processes."

Who would argue with that?

The Rightie:

35% from other income..good!
35% from 30k unearned income..millionaire..bad!

7B tax cuts for Ritchie Rich NOT paid = Conservatism
7B 'entitlement' cuts from SS/Med to pay for 7B tax cuts for Ritchie Rich = Conservatism
poor and middle classes tax cut of $1.50/weekly sunset; Ritchie Rich's are permanent = Conservatism

The Rightie is a SPENDER when it comes to others' money and a CONSERVATIVE when it's theirs = CHEAPSKATE
When the GOP gets done striping away every safety net this country has maybe the tRUmp base will finally realize that they aren't invited to the party. Run away capitalism means a handful of people control everything and maybe then these retards will open their eyes but probably not.
When the GOP gets done striping away every safety net this country has maybe the tRUmp base will finally realize that they aren't invited to the party. Run away capitalism means a handful of people control everything and maybe then these retards will open their eyes but probably not.

doubtful..did you see my DACA family meets Trump Supporters thread? I seriously have never seen anything like it. I've not realized how deeply perpetuated the racial divide truly is by the red hatters.

The Pedo was meant to obliterate everything Obama did..such is the hatred for a/the black man.
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