Dense Buds ?


Alright so I have done 4 grows now and every time I've grown I dont get dense buds they are always so airy.

I want to know what could this problem be? Not enough light to area ratio? incorrect waterings ?
I mean I really have no clue to how to fix this problem, I always get dense nugs from my dealers when I dont have some.
But when I try to grow, its just so airy idk it bothers me and I would like any advice you can give.

Thanks in advance.
600W hps will get you dense buds
my buds are looking dense at the moment with 400W hps but I got 2 of them side by side
Humboldt countys own, gravity. My mate swears by it as far as making ultra dense buds...he starts it after week 4, and his shit is really tight.
if you dont want to use a whole lot of electricity, and you are only growing a few plants, use a butt load of cfls and put them like 2 inches away from the plant and you will get dense nugs. thats how im doing it.
Proper lighting is a big factor in bud density...

Also, soil seems to grow denser buds then in hydro.
Alright well I will be starting a journal tonight later on and i will put it in my signature. So I dont have to write this all twice. I am starting a new strain so it wont be needed for this one its already to late im harvesting tomorrow. thanks for the thought of replying though i will give rep to all.
has no one said heat? i just skimmed, but HEAT, when light is ample, has always cause my friends to be long stringy looking buds
i think a lot of us harvest too soon. after several harvest of light airy bud, this time a round is looking different for a few strains. that's another main factor, get a good dense strain.

but yeah, last time i harvested around 8 weeks. this time, i'm pushing for at least 11 weeks. i'm noticing the flowers are gaining density even though they're not swelling @ week 9.
Its all genetics. Then you need a good set up. Grow some real kush and you will see a smaller yield but the nuggets are rock hard and potent.