Smoky McPot
Is it the grow, the strain, or the dry/cure which gives you nice dense buds?
add nutrients/water to that list and i think you've just answered (or at least summed up) about 99% of the Q&A on this forum!lighting, grow medium, and strain factor in there.
Hey bro don't mean to hijack but i was doing a lil reading n am useing CFL an am in flowering 6weeks now n my lights or mix 2700 6500 5500 red blue and green n my temp day time 73 humidity 53 cant get it lower night 65temp humidity 48 n I want to no is 53 54 humidity Kool for flowering day time bro n my buds or hardi love how people just throw in there 2 cents, without even answering thw question asked, some of you guys are WAY, wAY ,wAY off the chart with answering this one.
1. density of nugs has nothing to do with your cure, YES, when nugs dry/ cure they will shirnk due to loss of h20 molecules in the plants cell walls, but that is not what equates to denser nugs.
2. if you dont know the answer to this question, dont just start rambling on like you do know, because its obvious while reading this that you DONT! and all your doing is spreading around miss information.. which doesnt help anyone, you, me or the person looking for help.
3. go back and re-read the first 2
ok now to the question at hand..
there are several variables that can lead to denser nugs. but no one is any greater then the other except for genetics. other then that, all factors are just as important as each other.
and those factors (other then genetics) are
1. Heat/ air transference
2. grow conditions for plant
3. nutrients, more specifically your ppm and ec %'s
lets start with heat and air transference.
when your grow rm is excessively hot, lets say 83-87 deg. F. then your plant is going to have to work harder in order to regulate its temp, now what this means is the plant will adjust its leaves for maximum wind drag, this is evident when the spiky/serrated edges of leaf tips start curling upward (good indication you need to lower your rm temps). however if this dosent help cool the plant enough to where its comfortable the plant will actually stop bud development and use that energy in stead to cool itself. what this means is your buds wont grow fatter, and if they do you better believe they will be light and fluffy nugs. because the plant is trying to stay as open and aerated as possible to regulate its temp.
but if you were to keep those temps in check, say 65-75 deg. F you would notice that your plants will put on allot more weight! and esp in density, because all the energy that was being wasted to keep plant cool is now being directed to bud development, and since plant is cool and happy it dosent have to worry about staying light n fluffy for aeration, it will pack on as much weight as it possibly can with buds that are being developed.
however like i said earlier "genetics" are just as important here, some strains are denser then others. but even if you have a dense yielding strain, just because you have your temps in check does NOT guarantee you'll have dense buds, you need to ensure ALL factors are on point.... so lets get back to it shall we?!
2. grow conditions, grow conditions for your plant must be optimal! if your conditions arent optimal then your plants arent happy, and happy plants dont produce large dense buds. so make sure that you have a daily, weekly and monthly check list for everything in your garden, from cleaning fans and ducting and cool tubes, to removing any and all dead/ dieing leaves, make sure your grow rm is clean of any and all dust/ debris (these things can foat in the air, landing on your plants and could promote insects or mold/ rot developments)
make sure your ph is in check, make sure your bulbs are good/ new.. older bulbs produce less light which equates to lower less dense yields. (just like using HPS lighting over cfl lighting will produce dense nugs because the intensity of hps lighting is closer to that of the sun then cfl lighting)
believe it or not all of these things if taken care of regularly will lead to better/ higher quality yields
3. nutrient... the importance of nutrients goes way beyond just being a food source for your plants. because just like us human beings, during certain times of the day, some foods are more beneficial to us then other food. as well as the proportion sin which you consume those foods.
for eg. when you wake up and make yourself breakfast.. easting a cup of oats with a whole banana, 2 slices of wheat toast and a glass of OJ is far more beneficial to you then a stack of flap jacks smeared with butter and good old miss butterworth.
so take care of your ladies! feed them right and in turn they will give you what you desire most, fat, thick, juicey dense buds
a good thing to monitor is PPM and ecu, both of which will greatly determin how fat your plants get and how fast they get that way.
the best time to increase these two numbers during feeding is the 4th, 5th and 6th wk of flower, this is because these are the weeks that your cannabis plants will pack on the most weight! everything after this stage is basically a ripening stage.
so be sure to hit your plants hard during this time, just never exceed 1600ppm, i like to push my plants up to 1400/1500 between weeks 4 and 6-7. this is because like i said, this is when your plants pack on the most weight, so you need to feed them the most during this stage.
if you do this your plants will be nice and dense!
(again, provided the strain your growing is known for dense buds, some strains arent and although following these guide lines will give you the best yield possible for that plant, not all plants are dense nug producers...)
I hope this helped =)
and if not?!, well then its time you went and did some research for yourself!!! trial and error my friends.. trial and error![]()