Denver cannabis cup.


Well-Known Member
Read about someone scoring seeds at the denver cup awards this year.Can the average stoner go to the cup awards and score seeds,or do yo need a medical card to score.I cant see them just selling or throwing packs into the crowd,because most of the stoners across the United States would drive there just to get some beans.
I know i would drive there next year for that for sure.Like to hear from some people that attended the cup.
Im sure it was a great time.
" most of the stoners across the United States would drive there just to get some beans."

would have to be one hell of a lot of beans to justify driving from across the united states given the expenses that would involve.
No expense is too great when you need to get out of the state of Illinois.
Especially for a great cause.My addiction of marijuana growing and smoking for personal use.
Now! who has been there and can you get beans?
yeah, you could this year, at the denver one. not easily, and i dont know if it would be worth thinking of as a sure thing unless you have a medicinal license, but then you can just buy seeds anyways.
Well i just thought it might be nice to take a vacation and score some beans without a medical card(if possible) out there just for fun!and i do buy them online too!
Too much trouble?
That's like saying why would people from all over the country attend the Great American beer festival in Denver Colorado and sample about 10.000 different styles of beer from hundreds of different brewery's for 3 days,when you could just drive down to the dam corner liquor store and get a six pack!! I will shut up now.
Going to a cup in CO could be fun in and of itself, but I don't think you need to be there during a cup to get ceeds.

While at least for now you still need a card to purchase weed legally, I think ceed may fall into a different legal category. You may well be able to just walk into any dispensary and walk out with a pack.

If you want to know, just pick up the phone and call one. You don't even have to be in-state to do it.

Just ask them, "Do you stock seeds, and if so, what credentials do I need to buy them?".

That will give you the definitive answer, and you won't even have to burn any gas getting it!

Edit: What the hell am I thinking. If you want to know the status, post your question HERE on the Colorado medical board: You'll get the real answer that way, not just speculation.
I am looking at Colorado Constitutional Amendment 64 right now and it def says "personal use and regulation" meaning, to me, personal regulation; so it would be up to you to have a medical card or not as I read it. I also think that this is the highest law in the land of Colorado, being Constitutional and all, pun intended.
I say it would be worth it if you're planning on making a vacation out of it. It really is awesome to go to a reputable dispensary, see the cured meds ready for consumption, then seeing the clones from that strain growing, then getting seeds for what your saw and smelled and are now smoking:)
Was at the cup and you cannot just buy seeds. Same with the dispensary, without a card you couldn't get past the front door. However free Dabs and bong hits were the order of the day. Everyone was sharing joints in line to get in and around the corner was a dab bar. Getting the cron was not hard if you talked to any of the non profit co-op's that were there. As long as you were 21 and up and they did card people to be safe you could legally reimberse(not a sale) the co-op for their expenses and become a member. You could score up to an ounce if you wanted too. But seeds and clones are another matter. I did hear about seeds being thrown out to some of the fans but not something you could count on.
I say it would be worth it if you're planning on making a vacation out of it. It really is awesome to go to a reputable dispensary, see the cured meds ready for consumption, then seeing the clones from that strain growing, then getting seeds for what your saw and smelled and are now smoking:)

Recreational pot is legal to POSSESS in CO, but its not yet legal to SELL. That will probably happen soon, but it hasn't yet.

So the dispensaries there can't legally sell you weed without a medical card, and my understanding is that none of them will do it. Doesn't mean you can't get weed without a card (of course you can), you just can't walk into a shop and buy it over the counter right now.

As to clones and ceeds, my understanding is that most of the dispensaries won't sell you those either, but its possible some might.

Still, you can quite literally buy clones (and maybe ceeds) off of Craig's list in CO; so even without a card, you can probably score a few if you're there and interested.
Just spoke with 3D a dispensary in Denver and was told after the first of January 2013 you may purchase seeds and clones without a medical card... 6 plants maybe sold as well as up to a quarter ounce of dried bud.... Hope this helps...
7g per person daily is the amount they will sell @ begin of 2014?

I'd like to know a specific date they plan on legalizing recreational sales!
I'd make a trip there to check out Colorado + smoke some of their buds!

Might even pick up a clone if I thought I could make it back to Cali with it.