

Well-Known Member
who lives in denver?! i recently moved here from texas and is in dire need to make some friends. hollaaaaaaaaa.
you must not be looking in the right places! the black market is overflowing and the prices on the fire are going down by the minute!
i just don't know where to look, that's the thing. My plants are budding, but not ready for plucking. I have an oz. from texas, but that's almost done :(. cutting it close my friend, cutting it close.
i just don't know where to look, that's the thing. My plants are budding, but not ready for plucking. I have an oz. from texas, but that's almost done :(. cutting it close my friend, cutting it close.

go to a liquor store and get a westword news paper don't worry there free just take it look on the back page there is weed everywhere in denver