Denver Quality Dispensary In The Springs?


New Member
Hey everyone, first time posting here at RollItUp.

So here's the deal. I recently got my red card and have doing some shopping around in both Colorado Springs and Denver. What I have noticed so far is that the quality in Denver is far superior to the majority Colo Springs.

In Denver, my favorite shops are Kind Love, The Clinic, and Green Man Biohealth.

While they are more expensive (near $300/oz), you definitely get what you pay for. I've yet to find a shop in the Springs that's even moderately comparable to the quality. I don't exactly love driving up to Denver every few weekends, but I'll keep doing it if it's what it takes to find some fire. Any recommendations in the Springs? Quality of flower, regardless of price.

I feel like there has to be some hidden gem or something around here. I haven't signed as a member with a dispensary yet and would rather do it with a place in the Springs, but I am considering signing with one of the shops in Denver. I figure if I'm going to keep making the drive up there, I may as well get a member discount from one of them.
I don't care what it is....$300/oz is outrageous.

The Treehouse
The 64 Store

These are the only 3 I will go to here in the Springs.
bostonbull04, you're right about weedmaps. It has been my main resource for reviews and also just great for checking menus before heading to the store. The more I read the reviews, the more I wonder how many are legit and unbiased.

6ohMax, I agree that $300/oz is too expensive, especially when I have to drive 120 miles round trip to pick it up. I have been to The 64 Store twice and thought the majority of the strains were fairly decent, about the best overall for a Springs store so far. Not comparable to Denver quality, though I did pick up a beautiful looking strain called Dutch Treat Haze, only to come back a second time and be told it wasn't a strain they grew and they had gotten it from Denver. How ironic lol.

I haven't checked out The Treehouse, though I've seen it mentioned here in several other similar threads. I plan to visit them sometime soon for sure. I haven't been to Cannabicare either. Is that a sister store of Treehouse or 64 Store?

Any other recommendations out there for connoisseur grade in Colorado Springs? Or maybe even a Denver shop I'm unaware of that has better pricing than the 3 I listed in my first post?

Thanks for the responses RollItUp friends!
Altitude organic has some very nice herbs too. Haven't been there in a few months, but they're all organic and have some great meds and super nice people.
I don't care what it is....$300/oz is outrageous.

The Treehouse
The 64 Store

These are the only 3 I will go to here in the Springs.
I would definitely not shop at cannabicare or 64 store there buds lack taste and i been in twice and they've sold me wet buds and cannabicare is there sister so they most likely have the same product i use to shop there but there taste started lacking.
i would recommend:
the treehouse
healing canna
pink house

Or do what alot of us do here in the forum grow your own...homegrown is ALWAYS better
Yea, I have noticed damp looking buds at 64 Store also.

I have been by the Pink House one time and thought their buds were fairly good. Wouldn't say impressed by any means, but I'd say they had the most amount of quality strains of any store here in town. However, I wasn't too impressed by their non-member price of $320/oz or with their $220/oz for members.

I was actually talking to a budtender at a shop here in town about this same topic and he recommended I go check out Pink House and Altitude Organic. I will have to go check out Altitude Organic and The Treehouse. I fear they are the only shops left in Colorado Springs that may give me some hope.

Anyone been to Marimeds or the Indispensary (back of Independent Records)?

I would love to grow my own, but I live in an apartment complex, and I'm not sure if it's a good idea to do it here. Plus, I can barely keep your average house plant alive, let alone grow some frostys.
About a week and a half ago I finally made it over to The Treehouse. I was pleasantly surprised. They had about 2-3 strains in a glass case that they were wholesaling some buds from River Rock I believe. I wasn't interested in these. I wanted to see their in-house strains. I was shown some Flav, Emerald Jack, Sour Cream, and a Cindy 99 which I was told was an Indica. I thought Cindy 99 was a Sativa. Either way, I wasn't too impressed with the look/smell of it. I tried some of the Flav, E.J, and Sour Cream. I thought all 3 were pretty nice, with Sour Cream being my favorite of them. Definitely the best quality overall that I've seen from a dispensary in the Springs. I was shown a bud of a strain they were clipping in the back called Blue Head OG. Looked and smelled great! I really wanted to try some when it was ready and was told it'd be about another 10-15 days before it would be cured and everything. That's where I see a few cons with this place, especially in terms of committing to being a member.

I called Treehouse about 9 days later to get an update on when that Blue Head OG would be ready and I was told they ran out of what they had last week and would have some more in the next 2 weeks. If they had some the previous week, why wasn't I told about that? Anyway, at one point they had a WeedMaps page, but it wasn't updated really. The page has since been taken down and I see no way I can check to see a menu before I drive across town only to get there and possibly find out they only have strains from River Rock or something else I'm not interested in. Nor am I interested in hassling them/myself with a phone call every morning to ask what strains they have for the day.

Also, my buds were grabbed with bare hands when being weighed and packaged. I've always felt like it's better presentation when you see the budtenders picking your buds with chopsticks, or something other than bare hands.

Thought the location was fairly simple and felt discreet.

Thanks again for the recommendations everyone!
Check out natural mystic or Rocky Mountain med club. Also people mentioned altitude organic meds, that place has some good stuff. Pink house was ok, one more I can't remember the name of.