Department Store Nutes?


Greetings RUI,

I've been educating myself on this forum for the last month and a half and will have some very nice bubbly surprises for you later on. At this point I have a few very important questions:

There are NO NONE hydroponic stores within two hundred miles of my area and I don't want to take any unnecessary risks purchasing hydro nutes online and delivery.

Are there any alternatives to the typical fox farm/liquid karma/general hydroponics/etc nutrients purchasable in a department store like the depot or lowes?

Are there any DIY alternatives to purchasing nutes? Bonemeal? Urine?

Can I use a DWC system without nutes?

Are there any threads that detail these questions?

Thank you for everything!




Well-Known Member
Without proper hydroponic nutrients, or a lot of experience in working with DIY organics, I would not suggest DWC for you. Successful DWC requires sterile conditions, or a fair amount of knowledge and experience working with beneficial micro-organisms.

For great results, pick up some miracle grow organic potting soil, some perlite and a bit of sand.

Mix about 1/3 perlite and 2/3 soil for non-seedlings. Use about 1/3 soil and 2/3 perlite (or all perlite) in small pots to sprout seeds, when seedlings first need food (seedlings want ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD for the first 2-3 weeks or they will die) transplant from the small pots into larger pots with the richer strength soil mix.

The sand goes on top of the soil, about 1/2 an inch thick. Miracle grow organic potting soil is notorious for encouraging fungus gnats, the sand prevents the fungus gnats from surviving in your grow space.

You can do a whole grow with nothing but miracle grow organic soil (if you don't mix it with perlite and don't veg for long), but if you can only get generic potting soil then fish emulsion is a great soil fertilizer for veg, anything recommended for tomatoes will work well for flowering as well. Otherwise, any generic fertilizer with a balanced ratio of macros (1-1-1, or 10-10-10, or 20-20-20, etc...) can be used through the entire grow but proper veg and fruit/flower nutes will give you better results.

All of these supplies are used in all kinds of gardens and stuff, so you should have no problem getting it. If you have any questions at the store tell 'em you're growing tomatoes. Any advice they give you for feeding cycles, watering cycles, etc... will be the same for marijuana anyway, tomatoes and marijuana need nearly identical growing conditions.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
lowes or home depot and many other I bet carry orchid food. Orchid food is a hydroponic food. Yup. Same shit just very strong lol. Dilute their ratio to about half or a quarter.