Depression and ADHD

I have been taking Strattera 20 mg for roughly 2 years now. About 8 months ago I was prescribed Vyvanse 30 mg to go along with the Strattera. About 3 months ago I stopped taking the Vyvanse because I thought I didn't need it. For a while now i've been feeling really depressed and have an extremely low self esteem. Sometimes even when I smoke it gets worse and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I think of what would people think if I wasn't alive anymore. Would anyone care? Don't get me wrong Im not going to commit suicide, these are just thoughts. I just came on here to see what should I do.
I feel ya man i've felt like that alot before and sometimes worst when I would smoke. It got so bad for a while I stopped chilling with my friends or even talking to people. I'd take a break from smoking and also watch what you eat cause I've heard that to much junk food can cause you to go into depression. I know when I use to smoke alot I would end up eating unhealthy food and ever since I took a break a cut down how much I smoke, began eating more healthy and working out ive felt alot better


Well-Known Member
Take your Vyvanse. It works. My six year old son has ADHD. Before he was diagnosed, he was a mess. He was really hyper, he kept getting in trouble in school and he could not focus. Now that he's on Vyvanse (30mg), things have changed (dramatically) for the better. He's not so hyper, he's really good in school and he's able to focus. The only time we have problems is when his meds wear off at the end of the day. His grades have dramatically improved. Thank goodness for Vyvanse.


Active Member
I have been taking Strattera 20 mg for roughly 2 years now. About 8 months ago I was prescribed Vyvanse 30 mg to go along with the Strattera. About 3 months ago I stopped taking the Vyvanse because I thought I didn't need it. For a while now i've been feeling really depressed and have an extremely low self esteem. Sometimes even when I smoke it gets worse and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I think of what would people think if I wasn't alive anymore. Would anyone care? Don't get me wrong Im not going to commit suicide, these are just thoughts. I just came on here to see what should I do.

Yeah man, are you on any kind of routine? If not I would suggest first off getting a membership to a gym. Gym's are a great place to work off stress, be around other people, and get in shape to try and boost your self esteem. You'll feel a lot more energized and focused. After that, like someone else posted, eat healthy, go out for jogs, go to the beach. Do things that are fun out in nature, always seems to be a good place to find oneself, and you don't even need to drag friends into it.

After all that just try to be really nice to people, it will make you and them feel better. Have a positive attitude and you'll start feeling better.

Good luck man


Well-Known Member
Well vyvanse is a amphetamine. If you "abuse" it like i do it works better than it does if you use it normally, let me as you something, when you first started taking it did you fell like you where pumped up on crank, crystal meth, speed, crystal, d-amp, dope, the good stuff?


Active Member
hell ya adderal is even better :O i use to take 11 to 15 in a clip an would tweek so bad one time the cops called an ambulance cause he said i was on the ground unconcious but i was just laying there tripping the fukk out i went to the hospital an they pumped some this shit in me that made the trip go away :( i guess i stopped breathing at one point but it was trippy i thought that the lines on a basket ball court were like 4 or 5 feet high an i fell on my face trying to jump one :O great ol times but the doc trefuses to give me any more cuz he thinks imma kill myself :)