Depression?? lets reconsider


Well-Known Member
I have 3 letters for you, DMT. Just one proper dose and you'll be good for years.

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member

  • I have been living my life and just recently my family approached me and said i may be in denial and have depresion. i do not want to take meds and refuse the meds because i have only seen bad things from it.

    Really i don't think i have a problem i am mad at allot of random things but??

    don't know what to do i don't want to be like those zombies you see & its not like i am even considering killing myself what should i say???​

Tell me about your mother

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Tell me more about my eyes. ::fluttering eyelashes::



Staff member
i havent taken an advil in 10 years i will not touch meds or drugs like that however i suffer from severe anxiety which of course goes hand n hand with depression & chrons disease . depression can mean many things, you dont have to be suicidal to be depressed you didnt explain much about how you are so theres no way to tell you however i can tell you are being offended by it in the way your wrote your thread like you want us to back you up in not being depressed so imho that does sound like denial. you have to get out of depression by being positive going to see someone like a therapist. they will help and simply just tell them you do not want to take meds.