Descrete grow info


Active Member
Hello i am new to the whole grow thing... I have a problem because i want to grow but my mother and father stop by my apartment and go walking around when they are here... any suggestions for me to be able to grow out of a rubbermaid tote??? or something that is easily disguised. Any HELP WOULD BE AMAZING!!! thank you



Well-Known Member
yea get two 20gal rubbermaides and a 3 bulb light strip and get dual bulb screwins and some mylar and two cpu fans and there you have it


tell them to mind their own space because they are guests in YOUR home


Well-Known Member
When your mommy and daddy stop by sack up and own your plant. You are grown up right? or do they still pay the rent for you?

WOW very interesting question for a grown man.........

Ok upon further review i might have been too harsh on you. It was the mom and dad comment that got me. next time leave that out. Potraostdinner has it nailed.


Well-Known Member
When your mommy and daddy stop by sack up and own your plant. You are grown up right? or do they still pay the rent for you?

WOW very interesting question for a grown man.........
Ease up. When I have people over to my house I don't "sack up" and show them all my plants. I don't want people to know they are there. Period. Mom, Dad, neighbor, cop, whomever.



Active Member
Yeah i live on my own its just that my mother told me that if she was to ever see me with a plant she would call the cops on me and well... i do not find jail time for something so asinine worth it.:peace::-?


Well-Known Member
Ease up. When I have people over to my house I don't "sack up" and show them all my plants. I don't want people to know they are there. Period. Mom, Dad, neighbor, cop, whomever.

It was the mom and dad comment he didn't phrase his question as an adult that's all. I did retract in my comment in my response. it was a bit harsh because we all know its about stealth not mommy and daddy finding your grow.


Well-Known Member
It was the mom and dad comment he didn't phrase his question as an adult that's all. I did retract in my comment in my response. it was a bit harsh because we all know its about stealth not mommy and daddy finding your grow.
Gotcha. It's cool.


New Member
build a growfridge. ive had success with a 150watt cfl and 4 lowryders in a normal sized fridge. look on craigslist for cabinets, chests, any type of storage thing.


Active Member
Hello i am new to the whole grow thing... I have a problem because i want to grow but my mother and father stop by my apartment and go walking around when they are here... any suggestions for me to be able to grow out of a rubbermaid tote??? or something that is easily disguised. Any HELP WOULD BE AMAZING!!! thank you

i feel ya. ive got friends/relatives visiting all the time. the closet seems to work for me. the ex is the only one who would consider peaking around thru my closet. maybe you can help me with my question?
happy growing


Well-Known Member
When your mommy and daddy stop by sack up and own your plant. You are grown up right? or do they still pay the rent for you?

WOW very interesting question for a grown man.........

Ok upon further review i might have been too harsh on you. It was the mom and dad comment that got me. next time leave that out. Potraostdinner has it nailed.
Don't be an asshole dude. It's a legitimate problem. I'm 24 and live by myself and having my parents stumble into my grow room was my #1 concern - not because they would be dissapointed or mad - I already know they smoke, so they probably wouldn't even care. I just don't want to have that awkward moment where I have to explain what's with the lights, mylar lined room, pots, etc.. I would much rather just avoid ever having this experience.

To answer the original question, I would try to limit visits, when they do come over, try to keep them in the main area and out of your bedroom, closets, etc.. Also, I would install some kind of lock on whatever area you are using for growing - as a last resort in case they wander into your bedroom anyway. If they ask what's up with the locked closet/bedroom, etc.. just say it's for security and you dont have the key on you. It might look a little suspicious but it's better than having them walk in on your plants.

Parents can be nosey, even when you've grown up, and sometimes it's just easier on everybody to not let them find out. I know how it is.


Well-Known Member
yea well i dont know the size of your closet if u a have one but google homebox its a grow tent you could put it in your closet and make sure to add a carbon scrubber for the smell and it will be pretty steath and if for some reasone they saw the outside you could say u put ur cloths in it and yea keep the closet locked it will be suspicous if they see the closet locked but keep ur door locked to as long as they dont come over when ur not there is shouldnt be a problem