Desert Diesel & Sour Diesel, not much info, got any?


Active Member
these were October freebies from Attitude....wondering if I should even bother....VERY little written on either: on Attitudes or Humboldts website or Google or otherwise

Humboldt Seed Organization Desert Diesel

Humboldt Seed Organization Amherst Sour Diesel

Humboldt Seed Organization Lost Coast OG

any additional specifics that someone has experienced beyond what is easy to google is appreciated: height, flowering time, growth habits, problems, smoke report, whatever....ANYTHING which might avert me wasting my time is appreciated
are these all just basically the same plant but from different origins .... while I'm at it, I've never figured out how these seed breeders can provide so little grow info

Amherst, CA is where sour diesel is originally from... i geuss. not east coast.

the amherst is the elite clone in female seed

the desert diesel is Emerald Mountain Seeds - DAD (diesel afghan diesel) x HSO - Amherst SD and then stabilized and selected.

the DAD is a line of Diesel where someone added in some afghan, and then back crossed it back into the diesel again.

sort of the way tres dawg is for Chem 4 line(chem4 x afghan backcrossed back into chem 4) ...
its sites like attitude that screw these descriptions up. all of kannabia's stuff is wrong almost.

im about to try the amherst seeds myself i think.

HSO amherst is just the original elite sour diesel line in seed.

HSO desert diesel is DAD x Amherst. (described above)

PS: i just kept searching to find this. it was on dinafem's site. they are very helpful, even in reviews for other brands. dinafem just keeps on amazing me, personally. but anyways......

EDIT: well go figure something is wrong with my transaction with attitude and im not going to be getting this as of right now it looks...
just wanted to clear that up so i dont get people asking how it turned out.

anyone buy this one yet? i dont think its been widely available for long...
To my knowledge, all of the strains from the October promo are new releases except their Trainwreck and Bubba Kush, so probably not going to find much info on them.
I think they are using the name to reference Amherst,Mass or Amherst,Ny but I'm pretty sure the real east coast Sour Diesel came from that area
I think they are using the name to reference Amherst,Mass or Amherst,Ny but I'm pretty sure the real east coast Sour Diesel came from that area

*snip* (nevermind)

and btw i would have these right now, but MY BANK WONT DO BUSINESS W/ ATTITUDE. this is going to be a new trend folks. i hate bitcoins too...

EDIT: OP you might want to consider editing your top post. this way people see the correct info easily.
Amherst Mass. possibly at U-Mass. Chem 91 x (Mass superskunk/northern lights)

A strain of cannabis originated from the Umass Amherst area, rumored to be an offshoot of the breader ChemDawg from the days of Was quite popular amoung weed conisuers in Boston and New York in 2000. Was originally a whispy light weight strain. Soma later introduced a strain called NYCSD "New York City Sour Diesel". Claims some rasta gave it to him in NYC, how ever this strain did not originate from NYC and was most likely was other strains bred for similarity with the original, most likely shares parentage with the currently popular grapefruit strain. Because of avalabilty Soma's obviously different strain at the peak of NYCSD popularity the original from the streets of New York became known as ECSD "East Coast Sour Diesel" You can still find the original at the Grey Area coffe shop in Amsterdam. RezDawg of Resivoir seeds uses the original Sour diesel in his sour diesel strains. How ever they have been bred for more weight while keeping the potency. RezDawg's sourdiesel strains are generaly cosidered the standard now.

So how to tell the difference, Sour diesel from soma or soma breeds will be a limey sorta green where as the original was a darker almost blueish hue. This darker hue is quite evident in the strains from Rezdawg. The original smells like a diesel fuel spill at a gas station when broken up where as the Soma strain has a fruity graipfuitish smell.

COPIED FROM URBAN DICTIONARY. ^^ i know its not 100% but it helps.

basically someone had a REAL chemdawg family hybrid in Mass, that must be the "real" sour diesel. soma screwed alot of this up with his lame story. i lost all respect for him... those nycd seeds are way too expensive too. goes to show u others could really try harder with all their strains, if soma tried so hard to make a copy cat diesel and it was so popular.

i always said nycd seemed like grapefruit. my geuss is that Nevil is right about the lineage on the NYCD JH SSH etc.etc. theres a thread about it.

im not so sure that the Northern Lights/Super Skunk x Chem 91 is the real lineage on the real deal sativa heavy sour diesel. and if it is, that must have been a very sativa leaning phenotype that was selected.

my bad about the amherst ca thing somewhere i got mixed up reading stuff... sounds like the sour d did come from the east coast after all. so much crazy info out there sry about that.

either way REAL sour diesel, done right, is some of the best tasting herb ever.
rez dawg's work is also in Dinafem's Dinachem. i love that strain. i have some now. and seeds. just wish i had this amherst seed.

I'm holding on to it for now...till now there was little info on it; but it was a freebie so my guess is others will be growing them all soon enough

... my plan is to grow it in combo with three other Attitude Oct freebies: Lost Coast OG, Dinafem Cheese, Amherst Sour Diesel and Desert Diesel (may as well get all the funky ones out in one shot) ... I'll do a grow/smoke report
Amherst Mass. possibly at U-Mass. Chem 91 x (Mass superskunk/northern lights)

A strain of cannabis originated from the Umass Amherst area, rumored to be an offshoot of the breader ChemDawg from the days of Was quite popular amoung weed conisuers in Boston and New York in 2000. Was originally a whispy light weight strain. Soma later introduced a strain called NYCSD "New York City Sour Diesel". Claims some rasta gave it to him in NYC, how ever this strain did not originate from NYC and was most likely was other strains bred for similarity with the original, most likely shares parentage with the currently popular grapefruit strain. Because of avalabilty Soma's obviously different strain at the peak of NYCSD popularity the original from the streets of New York became known as ECSD "East Coast Sour Diesel" You can still find the original at the Grey Area coffe shop in Amsterdam. RezDawg of Resivoir seeds uses the original Sour diesel in his sour diesel strains. How ever they have been bred for more weight while keeping the potency. RezDawg's sourdiesel strains are generaly cosidered the standard now.

So how to tell the difference, Sour diesel from soma or soma breeds will be a limey sorta green where as the original was a darker almost blueish hue. This darker hue is quite evident in the strains from Rezdawg. The original smells like a diesel fuel spill at a gas station when broken up where as the Soma strain has a fruity graipfuitish smell.

COPIED FROM URBAN DICTIONARY. ^^ i know its not 100% but it helps.

basically someone had a REAL chemdawg family hybrid in Mass, that must be the "real" sour diesel. soma screwed alot of this up with his lame story. i lost all respect for him... those nycd seeds are way too expensive too. goes to show u others could really try harder with all their strains, if soma tried so hard to make a copy cat diesel and it was so popular.

i always said nycd seemed like grapefruit. my geuss is that Nevil is right about the lineage on the NYCD JH SSH etc.etc. theres a thread about it.

im not so sure that the Northern Lights/Super Skunk x Chem 91 is the real lineage on the real deal sativa heavy sour diesel. and if it is, that must have been a very sativa leaning phenotype that was selected.

either way REAL sour diesel, done right, is some of the best tasting herb ever.

I dont know about that? Im not saying its the pure nycd or ecsd, but it is a great strain. Its a hybrid with his standard afghani/hawaiian male, so gonna be somewhat different.......but it is not grapefruit! It does have the lighter leaves from the afghani/hawaiian, but the strucure looks identical to the diesel. Grapefruit is an indica....and Soma's a sativa hybrid. There is most definately a diesel smell that's strong in there, also a fruitiness from the male that is a very good compliment to the diesel. The cup cut, which i've kept for three years now, is very sought after in finished product form. It is one that everyone wants, and all the sour diesels and hybrids i've tried.......they have the same diesel flavor as Soma's does....but Soma's has other flavors as well.
I agree with the steep prices of his seeds, which he might decide to bring down if he isnt selling much. I think he set his prices when seed access was more limited, and most seeds were going for around $200 a pack.
I dont know about that? Im not saying its the pure nycd or ecsd, but it is a great strain. Its a hybrid with his standard afghani/hawaiian male, so gonna be somewhat different.......but it is not grapefruit! It does have the lighter leaves from the afghani/hawaiian, but the strucure looks identical to the diesel. Grapefruit is an indica....and Soma's a sativa hybrid. There is most definately a diesel smell that's strong in there, also a fruitiness from the male that is a very good compliment to the diesel. The cup cut, which i've kept for three years now, is very sought after in finished product form. It is one that everyone wants, and all the sour diesels and hybrids i've tried.......they have the same diesel flavor as Soma's does....but Soma's has other flavors as well.
I agree with the steep prices of his seeds, which he might decide to bring down if he isnt selling much. I think he set his prices when seed access was more limited, and most seeds were going for around $200 a pack.

i only was agreeing that nycd was like grapefruit to me. like u say, many possible phenotypes since its a multi hybrid. diesel seems to mean something else to some euro breeders/folks. nevil was ranting about it in a thread on here somewhere. talking about how its the same as SSH and Jack herer. idk...

i was upset back when soma released those g13haze hybrids and they were so much. seeds werent hard to get then either, but i know what u mean about the access thing. just needs to update maybe, i see theres a new strain on tude by soma. an la con lavender hybrid.

either way. i want to get/see some of these two HSO strains. ive come across many diesels that had flavor, yet lacked high imo. hopefully these reasonably priced seeds will turn out good.

i dont have much exp with this company. the first few strains they came out with seemed lame or generic, now they have newer better sounding stuff. just hope its good.

sorry for my crazy ass wrong info back there. idk what kinda trip i was on. my bad
so for any one wanting the straight up info on these 3 HSO strains that are new...

HSO Amherst: an amherst sour diesel clone made into feminized seed.

HSO Desert Diesel: [ HSO's amherst sour d line x Emerald Mountain Seeds D.A.D. (Diesel x Afghan x Diesel) ].

HSO Lost Coast OGK: Gifted to them by Emerald Triangle i believe.
its very well adapted to outdoor growing in its area of origin. one of the sturdier og's. ive smoked a couple different hybrids that contained some lost coast, those seemed good. ive not had lost coast straight up myself. theres a few grows of it here on RIU, go search. this strain is only new to HSO. Emerald Triangle was already selling/using it. maybe one of the easier ones to grow overall?? like it sounds maybe lost coast is a bit less sativa-like in structure(perhaps not so apically dominant, like how dna/rp's og 18 is leggier vs their first og) compared to most ogk's, like the emerald ogk which can have a bit more sativa from what ive seen or read. my grow of it was very apically dominant.
the desert i had hermies which was a shame, but the amhurst is big tall ladie. little buds atm, only week 5 or so but looks like it will yield good. check out my grow journal, got all of those freebies in there atm minus the desert that hermed. the lost coastlooks good too.
I've grown HSO's Blue Dream 3 different times from seed, and they were all bomb! They were practically identical to each other. I have had such great success with their Blue Dream that I decided to try some of their other gear that I have. I went with their Emdog and Pineapple Skunk this time. They are on Day 33 of 12/12 and look great! On my next run I plan to try their Bubba Kush out! Anyways good luck!