Not To Nineveh
Active Member
Hello everyone, I'm new both to this site and to growing. I am a rather mellow person and I really hate talking to other people who, frankly, scare the hell out of me, to get my weed. So I decided to grow my own. The problem is that I live in the Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada area/climate and I'm afraid it wont grow well. I plan to grow outside because indoor growing is simply not an option for me. I have a lovely expanse of land though, that is totally private. I just need to know if there are special things I should do to deal with my climate. It sometimes gets up to the hundreds, it rains very little, and when it does it usually rains hard, and the soil is not at all perfect. Our last frost day is May 10th, and I can't start them inside. So are there special concerns with the soil, water, nutrients, etc., that I should be aware of? Also, is there a particular strain that is best for where I am? I am a complete beginner so I would prefer a plant that is relatively easy to grow. And if so is there I website from which I can purchase them? I would really appreciate any help I could get. I just want to have some fun gardening and have some fine herb as a result, without having to risk any negatives of buying. I would REALLY appreciate the help of someone who has grown under these conditions.