Designer needed to launch need rolling paper brand, any ideas for good names?

True but imagine asking your local continence store or head shop for a pack of spiced ham they would probably point you in the direction of the food shelves or local supermarket, all very confusing when your baked trying to buy papers :blsmoke:
The options ARE endless. Genuine Goat hide pouches to contain skins, roaches, filters etc. Goat horn stash boxes. All classy stuff. Goats are where it's at. Everybody loves goats.images-60.jpg
I agree it is risky but i can get exclusive distribution rights from the manufacturer and also brand the product in countries of distribution plus I don't know many designers who want quit and go into import/export business against experienced competition but it's a free market so your welcome to try.
There are a range of products as with most rolling papers. If the brand is successful then obviously I would employ that designer on a part time or free lance basis to do future work for the company. I would want to maintain brand identity throughout including the website and advertising material. At the moment though just want to focus on the name and packaging.
i already own a brand name product far more substantive to society than roach rolling papers.
Sorry didn't explain that very well. You know how you always roach your rolling papers because you can't be bothered to find something else. Now ocb have roach booklets attached to the pack so you don't need to. This was the idea I was referencing in my comment. I do not own a brand name called "roach rolling papers". Hence me chatting to people about cool names. You seem to have some experiance in branding so maybe you can offer some suggestions?