Desperately need help cooling my growdrobe


Tom_420 is right on the money. The air needs to enter and exit the grow chamber so as to maximize flow and coverage inside the grow chamber, air can and will make dead pockets with either bad design or poor implementation.

Sophanox finish your build first, it's hard to gauge perforamance until the basics are completed ; get it air and light tight first. Follow what Tom_420 has recommended, than check your temps, undoubtedly there will be a vast improvement.

For an alternate method of feeding air to your chamber I built some air diffusers (air curtains), and yes they work amazingly well;



Only cost a few bucks to make and ensures that air enters your grow chamber evenly from the ground up.

Good luck with it, you'll get it there!

talk about over engineering...Did Rube Goldberg design that? lol

Im gonna tell you my "theory"..

heat rises of course, so naturally the lower part of the grow cab is going to be cooler than the top.. IMHO the "best" place to put intakes are about 1/4 to 1/3 the distance from the bottom of your cab.. Why force your "cool" incoming air into a spot of the cab that doesnt need it as much as the reast of the cab? And if you put them too low, the majority of "cool" air is mostly just going at your plants base/stems etc and by the time if makes it past the stems/branches/canopy etc its not all that "cool" anymore... I like to put intakes about 1/4 to 1/3 the way up.. Thats all ive ever needed..That plus a good exhaust plus a circulating fan is ALL YOU NEED.. well, that and low ambient temps being drawn in the intakes..

But everyone has there own methods. Im just sharing mine.



Well-Known Member
No just someone who clearly has some hvac background and knows how to setup an awesome ventilation system. Thanks for backing me up dude, really nice work on the air curtain


Well-Known Member
no experience? lol.. OK.. w/e u say bro... Dude has more than enough intakes and they are placed well enough.. But hey, w/e method you want to use is your choice..My shit works perfectly also.. If he fixes the cooltube so it sucks outside air through it and un block his intakes im sure his heat problem will be reduced


I dont have a set up.. I grow weed in my mind.. I harvest it when I sleep.
You're right I guess your setup would work perfectly when you're still dreamin' hahaha :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how you took your temperature measurements, but the problem could be as simple as the placement of your thermometer.

Heat is propagated by three methods - radiation, conduction, and convection. If your thermometer is exposed to direct light (radiation), your temps could easily reach 20 degrees above ambient. If on the floor, you could see an additional 2-4 degrees from heat conduction through the wood. You want to take the convection measurement only which is ideally at the top of your grow space, behind the reflector - just so long as it is not getting direct light.

If measured this way, you may not even have a temperature problem at all.

I can see the reflection from your light on your thermometer. To figure out your room temps, the thermometer needs to be fully shaded from the light.

I've read MJ can sustain 120 degree radiant temps easily. Direct sun light can be brutal.


Well-Known Member
Hey all, thanks so much for the help.

I ended up I putting the cooltube in a closed ventilation circuit and used the smaller fan to extract grow room air and that has helped dramatically.

Mikeohle and Darkuser were right, my thermometers were absorbing the radiant heat, when I shaded the temperature probe, combined with the closed vented cooltube, the temp dropped down to about 80, which is excellent!

It was also pointed out that I had misread the product information regarding the fans. I saw them as 495 and 275cfm, when in fact it was 495 and 275 metres cubed per hour, which is significantly different! Their real cfms are more like 280 and 125. How I managed to not see this I'll never know, i am an idiot lol.

The only problem now is both the fans running together are pretty noisy (why I didn't go down this route in the first place as it's a stealth grow). I think I may just buy the real deal this time (what I should have done in the first place tbh) and invest in a 400cfm ruck fan which hopefully will be powerful enough to extract from the grow room and cool the light, whilst being relatively quiet helped by acoustic ducting and a silencer. I think a new cab is in order too as that current one is pretty battered now.

Thanks again for all the help guys!


Hey all, thanks so much for the help.

The only problem now is both the fans running together are pretty noisy (why I didn't go down this route in the first place as it's a stealth grow). I think I may just buy the real deal this time (what I should have done in the first place tbh) and invest in a 400cfm ruck fan which hopefully will be powerful enough to extract from the grow room and cool the light, whilst being relatively quiet helped by acoustic ducting and a silencer. I think a new cab is in order too as that current one is pretty battered now.

Thanks again for all the help guys!

Hey Sophanox,

With respect the fan noise issue check out this thread I wrote on that very issue, hopefully there is a trick or two that will help!

Good Growing!
