Detox Kits


I am currently getting a new job and have no idea if I will need to do a piss test or not. I have stopped smoking for a few weeks now and know that the best way to beat the test is not to smoke. I was wondering if anyone knows or had experience with detox kits from the health places? Can it speed up the removal in your system? If so, any recommendations. I can't wait to start up afterwards. I have a blunt ready in my jar to celebrate. Peace and thanks. X-0~


How would you recommend in keeping it in the right temp and hiding it? The sometime watch and do take a temp check.


Well-Known Member
Go to GNC and buy the Complete Body Cleansing Program kit, you take 2 packets of pills everyday for a whole week, packet in the morning and at nite time for 7 days straight, after the 7 days you will be clean gaurntee, I bought it and it worked for me. i even called up an army recruiter and told him i was smoking weed and if he knew any way to get it out of my system because i wanted to join even tho was just lyin and he told me to go to GNC theres all kinds of shit that will get you clean, Niacin well get you clean to, take couple niacin everyday for a week or two drink lots of water, ur straight


Well-Known Member
There not going to do anything high tc like test the temp or watch you piss for a job you'll be fine.


Go to GNC and buy the Complete Body Cleansing Program kit, you take 2 packets of pills everyday for a whole week, packet in the morning and at nite time for 7 days straight, after the 7 days you will be clean gaurntee, I bought it and it worked for me. i even called up an army recruiter and told him i was smoking weed and if he knew any way to get it out of my system because i wanted to join even tho was just lyin and he told me to go to GNC theres all kinds of shit that will get you clean, Niacin well get you clean to, take couple niacin everyday for a week or two drink lots of water, ur straight
How much were you smoking daily?