detroit lions

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If troubled ex-NFL wide receiver Titus Young wants mental-health counseling, the league will help provide it.

here's the real rub:

"Young is one of multiple Lions players who have gotten into trouble off the field over the past two seasons. While his talent alone warranted a 2011 second-round selection, two NFL executives who scouted Young told that he was off their draft boards because of character concerns from incidents at Boise State.

'I couldn’t find anyone there who would say anything good about him,' one executive said."

I guess the lions don't research character issues before they draft anyone or they could have avoided all of this!
fuck the lions.... this bear country
So I know I'm probably in the minority when it comes to hating Stafford but I already turned off the preseason game because I found myself yelling at the t.v.

I just don't understand, do people not watch Stafford throw the ball? He has to be one of the least consistent quarterbacks in the NFL. I wish someone would make a highlight reel of all the balls he's thrown when there's not a receiver within 10 yards.. I'll give it to him he has his moments but he's playing with THE BEST wide receiver in the NFL and by the end of Johnson's career I could see him going down as one of the best ever.

Cut the side arm bullshit and learn how to throw the ball accurately on a consistent basis. Until Stafford is traded or released I can't watch the Lions because it's too frustrating to watch Stafford throw the ball.

If anyone was watching the preseason game and you think Stafford is a good quarterback, what the hell were those 3 incomplete passes that forced us to kick a field goal?

I know I'm being an asshole but why does a quarterback who led his team to a 4-12 record get paid more than Tom Brady?
Yelliing at the tv? Hell, the lions have been making detroit fans want to throw shit at their tv for decades now. It's part of who they are. The nfl should have a tv smashing contest, lions fans would win easily.
The Lions are about to get their shit together and it is gonna be a good season for them. A LONG TIME COMING, but I believe it is finally here.
the rumor is the old man Ford wants a championship team before he dies. I think he should have started that project a long time ago.
I think this is going to be a GREAT year for the LIONS........

I've thought that every year for the last 10 years. On paper they look good. We'll see if they can put it all together this year, but they're in a pretty tough division. I refuse to be anything more than cautiously optimistic.

I am stoked about the Tigers though! Red Wings could be pretty good too.
This division is up for grabs thus year, every team has a shot. Detroit weakness was secondary n running game..I know they got bush but wat did they do at corners n safety?
This division is up for grabs thus year, every team has a shot. Detroit weakness was secondary n running game..I know they got bush but wat did they do at corners n safety?

They picked up Glover Quinn at safety as a free agent, Delmas is healthy (for now) at the other safety spot, and they have Chris Houston back at cb and they drafted a kid in the 2'nd round last year that looks like the other starter at corner. They improved the secondary, imo
Give him the Walter Cramp, DICK of the Year Award we are still paying for what he did to the Lions when he was here. LMAO!
The award honors a person who has been “closely associated with the game of football as a player, coach or close attendant to the game. He must have attained a measure of success and been a leader in his chosen profession. He must have contributed to the public service for the benefit of his community, country and his fellow man. He must have an impeccable reputation for integrity and must be dedicated to our American Heritage and the philosophy of Walter Camp.”

"Must have attained a measure of success and been a leader in his chosen profession."
What in the motherfuck are they talking about? What general manager has been worse in any professional sport?

The award honors a person who has been “closely associated with the game of football as a player, coach or close attendant to the game. He must have attained a measure of success and been a leader in his chosen profession. He must have contributed to the public service for the benefit of his community, country and his fellow man. He must have an impeccable reputation for integrity and must be dedicated to our American Heritage and the philosophy of Walter Camp.”

"Must have attained a measure of success and been a leader in his chosen profession."
What in the motherfuck are they talking about? What general manager has been worse in any professional sport?

Heh! What a joke. I was listening to the ticket the other day and they were saying that there is a book coming out that touches on his time as GM of the Lions. I guess he passes the buck on draft picks saying he was swayed/pressured in to drafting all of those dud wide receivers in the first round. Apparently he wanted to take Demarcus Ware, but was pressured by the Fords in to taking Mike Williams. So essentially he's admitting to being a pussy instead of a bad evaluator of talent. lol
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