detroit lions

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For the record I can not stand kid rock. There was a point in time where I could but that was years ago. I appreciate the whole proud of Detroit thing and think thats great but he talks out of both sides of his mouth too often.
Did they bring back the replacement refs?!

Back from commercial and now they are saying it's not reviewable because schwartzie challenged!? Fucky refs, fucky coach, fucky rules. Dear god.
The first 3 quarters were great, but the refs totally robbed us and they fell off in the 4th. At least Suh kicked their QB in the dick, i'll bet the media justs all over this one...

For the record I can not stand kid rock. There was a point in time where I could but that was years ago. I appreciate the whole proud of Detroit thing and think thats great but he talks out of both sides of his mouth too often.

I miss 1993 Kid Rock, i don't know who that clown was that performed at halftime.
Today I am thankful the Lions did not embarrass us. I have been scared of losing the Thanksgiving Day game. They played good against a first place team on a huge game.
They got fucked! these refs are just as bad if not worse than the scabs...As I predicted ..these refs should have never bee allowed back..atleast the scabs had a chance at improving.
Yesterday I was trying to be thankful. Today I am mad as fuck. Just to fuel that anger I am listening to 97.1 the ticket. Schwartz has an ankle tatoo!? That is unacfuckingceptable. I have never been so frustrated, mad, disappointed, resentful, :cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:at a team. A caller brought up schwartz yelling at harbough when he threw a flag. Schwartz yelled at him don't you know the fucking rules. I think we need a better coach, IF one will be available. I think the character issues have been out of hand. Titus Young getting suspended for being a fuck head. Suh arguing with stat guys infront of everyone. Shit is out of control bad, IMHO. I find this shit flat out unacceptable.
LMAO..forgot about that harbaugh thing last year, caller is right..whatta dick...ankle tattoo? what a bitch..what is it a unicorn? butterfly?...titus young is not good enough to be a turd ad stick around..cut his ugly ass after Shwartz is sent packing.
Yesterday I was trying to be thankful. Today I am mad as fuck. Just to fuel that anger I am listening to 97.1 the ticket. Schwartz has an ankle tatoo!? That is unacfuckingceptable. I have never been so frustrated, mad, disappointed, resentful, :cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:at a team. A caller brought up schwartz yelling at harbough when he threw a flag. Schwartz yelled at him don't you know the fucking rules. I think we need a better coach, IF one will be available. I think the character issues have been out of hand. Titus Young getting suspended for being a fuck head. Suh arguing with stat guys infront of everyone. Shit is out of control bad, IMHO. I find this shit flat out unacceptable.

I agree glad. The game is won or lost on the field, but when this many things happen from a discipline standpoint you have to look at the coach. On top of that there is obviously no players (leaders) in the locker room holding their team mates accountable. Look at New England. The two constants in their success over the past decade have been Belichick and Brady. You can plug any guy in, at any position on that team, and they will continue to be successful because they have a head coach that demands respect and discipline and a quarter back demanding the same. The Lions have some talent, but they have an organization full of Indians with no Chiefs.
LMAO..forgot about that harbaugh thing last year, caller is right..whatta dick...ankle tattoo? what a bitch..what is it a unicorn? butterfly?...titus young is not good enough to be a turd ad stick around..cut his ugly ass after Shwartz is sent packing.
Not sure what his ankle tattoo is, but if I find out Pettigrew has an ass topper tattoo I'm buying a Packer Jersey. Lmao. Pettigrew needs sr. On his jersey too, that fuck. How long you think Suh will be suspended for this time?
The fucked up part is these useless fucking refs throw flags all the time and pick em up like nothin happened, not sure Suh kicked dude in the nuts on they suspend him on a questioable play after the refs just fucked his team out of a win..2 years in a row refs fucked detroit out of a win.
Refs can't fix the lions. lmao.
I think Suh is one of the best players in the league with his feet. Remember all that shit about him being an insanely good soccer player. Only a few defensive players have tried making filed goals at the nfl level. I think he absolutely kicked him on purpose. Maybe not in the marbles, but Suh is a bad-ass professional athlete, it wasn't too accidental. I still think he wants out of Detroit so bad, he is loosing his mind.
It really sucks what they have become. The answer cannot possibly be, fire the coach, trade suh, cut pettigrew and young. Wonder how far they will fall this season yet.
I think a better coach that commands respect gets suh in line...nobody likes losing with no signs of getting better anytime soon, those tight eds blow and so does the secondary...why not run a draw or throw a screen pass and get 4-5 yards so Hanson is not kicking a 50 yarder for the win....Suh could have intentionally kicked Shaub but no way to prove it from the tape..can't see him getting suspended...the dude is freakishly athletic for his size..I was impressed with that cutler slam/trip with body turned at full speed.
I agree. Except the Suh part. I think either way he gets suspended. They don't like him or his style of play. They already made comments that they are on it.
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