as long as my Texans D/ST racks up int's, sacks and FR, I will be rooting for Houston. Detroit is ready to implode anyways and thursday it will start.
For the record I can not stand kid rock. There was a point in time where I could but that was years ago. I appreciate the whole proud of Detroit thing and think thats great but he talks out of both sides of his mouth too often.
Yesterday I was trying to be thankful. Today I am mad as fuck. Just to fuel that anger I am listening to 97.1 the ticket. Schwartz has an ankle tatoo!? That is unacfuckingceptable. I have never been so frustrated, mad, disappointed, resentful,at a team. A caller brought up schwartz yelling at harbough when he threw a flag. Schwartz yelled at him don't you know the fucking rules. I think we need a better coach, IF one will be available. I think the character issues have been out of hand. Titus Young getting suspended for being a fuck head. Suh arguing with stat guys infront of everyone. Shit is out of control bad, IMHO. I find this shit flat out unacceptable.
Not sure what his ankle tattoo is, but if I find out Pettigrew has an ass topper tattoo I'm buying a Packer Jersey. Lmao. Pettigrew needs sr. On his jersey too, that fuck. How long you think Suh will be suspended for this time?LMAO..forgot about that harbaugh thing last year, caller is right..whatta dick...ankle tattoo? what a bitch..what is it a unicorn? butterfly?...titus young is not good enough to be a turd ad stick around..cut his ugly ass after Shwartz is sent packing.