detroit used to be awesome

How Detroit went broke: The answers may surprise you - and don't blame Coleman Young
(Phil H.)

The numbers, most from records deeply buried in the public library, lay waste to misconceptions about the roots of Detroit’s economic crisis. For critics who want to blame Mayor Coleman Young for starting this mess, think again. The mayor’s sometimes fiery rhetoric may have contributed to metro Detroit’s racial divide, but he was an astute money manager who recognized, early on, the challenges the city faced and began slashing staff and spending to address them.

Coleman actually did an descent job with the money, who would've thunk it....
The danger of politics in a two party system is obvious and the destruction of Detroit under one parties rule and their cronies is now in the books. Sad but true, the "Government" clearly created this catastrophe as "The People" simply watched and ignorantly supported it until there is now nothing left to support them. The destruction of one the most powerful and wealthy cities this world has ever known in such an expedited manner should be serious cause for concern for every American, especially our future generations currently watching Chicago's demise.

The danger of politics in a two party system is obvious and the destruction of Detroit under one parties rule and their cronies is now in the books. Sad but true, the "Government" clearly created this catastrophe as "The People" simply watched and ignorantly supported it until there is now nothing left to support them. The destruction of one the most powerful and wealthy cities this world has ever known in such an expedited manner should be serious cause for concern for every American, especially our future generations currently watching Chicago's demise.

Just think, soon we will have 8 years of this same type of wasteful administration to deal with, that judge didnt want the bankruptcy to go down because it made her God Obama look bad, ive got to get out of Cali before it follows suit .
Just think, soon we will have 8 years of this same type of wasteful administration to deal with, that judge didnt want the bankruptcy to go down because it made her God Obama look bad, ive got to get out of Cali before it follows suit .

ahhhh I thought u knew.. cali is next.. followed by Illinois.....
Its not just Detroit anymore. I see poverty spreading like wildfire. Just gotta hang in there and hope for the best.
Just think, soon we will have 8 years of this same type of wasteful administration to deal with, that judge didnt want the bankruptcy to go down because it made her God Obama look bad, ive got to get out of Cali before it follows suit .
Actually I kind of get her point. See Obama skirted "bankruptcy law" with his 2009 involvement with the auto companies. In a way she is calling Obama out here, as she sees the auto companies and city's bankruptcy as one in the same. Although the fact that a judge believes that an executive has a right to skirt legislation and would opine such in an irrelevant court of law says something about our current "system" and this lawfare we all face today.
Once the Supreme Court ruled that seizing land to sell to a private developer is the same as public use, I realized our legal system is corrupt at the highest level.
Once the Supreme Court ruled that seizing land to sell to a private developer is the same as public use, I realized our legal system is corrupt at the highest level.

God that was stupid, same thing when they basically allowed another developer to escape the penalties associated with collateral when bankrupting a commerical property.
Rules apply to some but not others.
Also incompetence, fraud, and corruption is not a party affilated issue. It affects anyone in a position of power. I do think a two party system has some makor flaws, but unfortunately its the rules of the game based on a winner take all system.
Also incompetence, fraud, and corruption is not a party affilated issue. It affects anyone in a position of power. I do think a two party system has some makor flaws, but unfortunately its the rules of the game based on a winner take all system.
Power corrupts (true), but absolute power corrupts absolutely. The levels of incompetence, fraud and corruption found in Detroit for literally decades is clearly linked to the relationship between the unchangeable/bulletproof Democratic party in charge, unions and lawyers. Where are all those loyal voters today? Looking for jobs and a way to literally just survive among the fallout. Where are all the politicians, union officials and lawyers responsible for this mess? Living high on the hog in government and/or lobbying down off K Street in DC selling the same bullshit, just to a different (now more important) audience(NY & CA). This epic and historic wealth transfer from the Great Lakes to Washington DC is no mystery my friend.
They should have had a law put into place to stop big companies from going overseas.Thats what really crushed detroit,Iam sure there was still coruption going on in detroit at our highiest,but it wasant that noticeable when you have jobs and money flowing into the city.

Honestly if we ever want to get back to what america used to be it will start with the goverment putting rules and incentives in place for big companies to bring back there business.But when you have those business lineing the pockets of those on the hill,why would those greedy bastards want to change anything.

If in remember correctly it was Clinton who gave most favored nation trading status to China year after year after year even during the square crisis where the Chinese again murdered their citizens.
watched Live in the D. they claim D has had 75 reported car jackings this past three months. A cop on the show said the single best thing you can do is Not put up a fight and hand over your car. maybe he also works for the car hackers association.

So if I have self-destruct button attached to a remote, would I be cited for blowing-up car jackers (sky f'in high) as they drive off? Let's really learn how to get tough on crime. half measures don't seem to cut it.

"Prior to the 1990s the term "carjacking" did not exist. With the murder of Ruth Wahl in Detroit, a new word was coined, new laws were passed, and a new crime became part of the American landscape."

One of Detroit's most notable achievements in the past couple of decades ;)
my mother was car jacked as a youngin. we lived south 8 of mile for a few. can't imagine voluntarily giving my vehicle over to any thug, ever. guess the concept pisses me off enough, id take a shot, be willing to die over it. (obviously im more passionate than bright lol.) any shit that interferes w my core beliefs can instantly make me rather bellicose. fuk it. every dog has his day and mine lived to be 19.

reminds me of a story of vince re-commandeering his bmw w/ the help of a handball racket and the car door. I'd rather live in an ideal world but I'll work w what's here.
Peace :cool: good people.

right now I have to fix some plumbing Haaa -

One more post to hit 3,000.

Make it a special one to commemorate the occasion abe.:bigjoint: